Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Some News and Adjustments

I am adjusting to my new medications so excuse me if my writing is brief.

Yahoo - CNBC - Wall Street is missing money (and you may be too!). Just a reminder that the state may have money from old inactive bank accounts that you are entitled to.

Yahoo - CNN Money - Just How Generous Are Detroit's Worker Pensions for Retirees?. Not that generous to be sure. George Carlin said that they are coming for our pensions and 401k's and he was right.

NBC News - NTSB calls for wireless technology to let all vehicles 'talk' to each other. Here is a line from the article, "Federal safety authorities Tuesday called for all U.S. cars, trucks and buses to come equipped with technology that would allow them to "talk" to one another to help avoid accidents." Here is another line, "With those standards in place, "NHTSA can then require this technology to be installed on all highway vehicles," Deborah Hersman, chairman of the NTSB, said at the board's meeting Tuesday. "This technology more than anything else holds great promise to protect lives and prevent injuries."

Here is what they are saying. They want to make sure that NO car is allowed on the state highway system unless it has a tracking device that can easily be accessed by the government. That is the bottom line. And remember when I posted about how now local right of ways are considered part of the National Highway System even though they should not be, guess why they made that change? Your freedom to travel is being squeezed and it is only going to get worse.

Yahoo - MoneyTalks News - Postal Service Wants to Get Rid of Your Mailbox. No matter what the Postal Service does, the federal government wants them gone and they are going to go away and it is a tragedy because your communications will cease having any legal protection.

Pension Pulse - CalPERS Indictment the Tip of the Iceberg? This blogger appears very knowledgeable about some thing; but, I have only read a couple of his articles and can see that he too missed the fact that the public pensions are not in trouble and that having to show that you have all the money you will pay out over the next 30 years in your account today is simply insane.

Perhaps what he says in another article might shed light on how they are going to steal our public pensions. "Worse still, Bloomberg reports that under a Senate bill that seeks to diminish public-pension deficits, state and local governments in the U.S. would be permitted to turn their retirement systems over to life insurers:" Why should a state or municipality be able to "sell" their public pension to an insurance company? It is not the states money, it is owned by the pensioners and is not a state asset to be sold at a manufactured discount to put money in the hands of politicians friends.

Lets consider who will benefit by selling off public pensions to insurance companies. I know, the insurance companies and Wall Street. You know why? Because the insurance companies can make investments in companies and other financial instruments that state and local government pension boards cannot. Oh year and if the insurance company goes bankrupt, they don't have to pay.

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