Monday, August 26, 2013

Have a Great Week and News (very little news)

Linda Ronstadt has stated she has Parkinson's and will never sing again. One of her first songs. YouTube - Linda Ronstadt - Long Long Time. I had always hoped to hear her sing torch songs again.

Yahoo - Reuters - Emerging market slump highlights Fed's global reach. The question is not if there is going to be a international financial crisis, there will be. The question is who will recover. My answer is bet on places that have something to sell. The emerging markets may take a short term hit; but, have something to allow them to recover. The United States makes nothing, we are going down.

Yahoo - AP - Churches changing bylaws after gay marriage ruling. This is stupidity being scared of stupidity that people agree with and none of it has anything to do with marriage. I could apply to the state to get a license to marry people. I will not do such a thing. I have been preaching for about 3 years now and do not intend to do any ceremonies. Marriage is not a ceremony. You do not need the governments permission or a preachers permission to be married and that is not the job of either. It is the misunderstanding of what marriage really is that is fooling these churches.

For the Christians out there, I have a simple question. What is marriage, not what is it not, what is it? Is marriage a government enforced contract, is it only a marriage if someone who claims to believe in God says it is? Pastors and churches do not authorize marriage and were never meant to. The ceremony was a statement before the community that one lived in that two people had chosen and agreed to live their lives together and take care of one another no matter what. That is marriage. These churches have a simple issue, they want to decide if someone is married or not and be the final arbitrator on government contracts regarding the issue. I have no such wish. They don't need to change their bylaws, stop telling people that they need your ceremony and approval to be considered married.

Yahoo - Daily Ticker - China Will Invest $1 Trillion Globally; How Much Will U.S. Get? I like my readers and try and get them to think beyond what we are told. We have a GDP of about 15 to 16 trillion a year. Basically, our net worth. We owe other countries about half of that, half of all we own and make. Think about that. Now what if they decide to spend those promises, those dollars, buying our hard assets, our land and our minerals? This article seems to imply that having the Chinese buy 1/16th of all our land and business is a good thing. They are concerned that the Chinese might spend our dollars in other countries. Truth is that in the end those other countries eventually end up buying our resources. The question is, who do we want to own us, the Chinese or Europe or Russian or whoever, we already sold our future.

Activist Post - DARPA Wants Portable Brain Recorders "In Every Classroom in America" by Julie Beal. They cannot read people's minds; but, if they can convince you that they can, would you allow them to arrest people for pre-crimes?

BBC - Exploring Los Angeles' forgotten stairways to the stars. Just for fun.

Rense - Jesse Marcel, Jr...Rest In Peace. Mr. Marcel's father worked at the Roswell airforce base. His father told the story of the Roswell "UFO". You can believe the story or not; but, his son was a veteran and never wavered in what he claimed to be the truth.

Yahoo - KFSN - Virtual reality treatment for autism. I want you to read the article and watch the video and think about what we are being told. Then scroll down till you see words again.

Okay, what did the last article and video really say. They said that autistic kids need to be able to read facial expressions better. What if people just told the truth, wouldn't that help the autistic? If people told the truth, their facial expressions would be meaningless. Blind people cannot respond to facial expressions, how is it that they are more worried about autistic people not recognizing when you lie with your expressions?

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