Monday, August 19, 2013

Medicine, Pensions and Control

NBC News - Could it be a 'cure'? Breakthrough prompts Down syndrome soul-searching. An interesting article about bio-ethics or eugenics depending on how you view it. With the new healthcare laws it becomes even more concerning. Should people be allowed to have babies born with birth defects if we will have to pay for their healthcare? Will it be considered child abuse if you refuse to allow your kid to have gene therapies to "cure" them?

Yahoo - - Is Your 401(k) Plan Secure? They want your savings, your retirement and your pension and they will steal it from you.

Military Tech - Superhuman Tech & the Military Mind.

The Street - Why the 30-Year Mortgage Could Be Coming to an End. Basically, there are some senators who want to put an end to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the consequence will be the end of the 30 year mortgage. It may also be the end to private home ownership as is true in much of Europe.

naked capitalism - Municipal Workers in Bankrupt Cities Facing Financial Nightmare.

CNBC - Crowdfunding for medical devices hits Web. Our next big industry will be making medical devices to monitor your health 24/7. This is not a surprise and you watch, if you refuse to wear them, your benefits will get cut or cost more.

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