Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Healthcare and Me and Everyone

I have killed a number of posts that I had considered sending out. I didn't think they were headed in a meaningful direction. Today a specialist checked out my aorta, I don't like medicine. They told me it was important blood vessel in my body and that my doctor was concerned about it. I have seen a lot of specialists, I have very good care because I have paid insurance for decades. I didn't use much healthcare when I was younger, heck, I had a heart attack about 6 years ago and didn't see a doctor for that, I just avoided them so they didn't know what had happened to me.

My doctors give me lots of pills and tests now that they have me in their grips again. There is no test that I would be denied if they thought it might keep me alive. Oh, and my pills are cheap because I have good insurance. I took a job that had a great insurance plan and in exchange I gave up higher pay. The Pimpernel has been offered more money that he comprehend and did not take it. Legal stuff, honest money for an honest job. I was happy to stay where I was because it was enough. I have never felt the need to be rich. I was quite happy to be well, to have enough for my present and my future.

The incentive to give your all, in a capitalist society, is the belief that someday you can benefit. That you give your all when you are young and the relax when you have little left to give. That is the basis of why capitalism works. Once you take away that success, you have ceased being capitalistic and are a tyranny. You can call it fascist or communist or any other ist, but, in the end is all the same. It is all anti-capitalist, it is anti paying people for the value they contribute.

How far down should we let our fellow humans go? Would it be okay to let people who work at WalMart work for table scraps if they would do it? The poorer the population, the more desperate, the more willing they are to be enslaved. If you free the poorest in society, you free all the others. Freedom does not trickle down, for it to exist, it must trickle up. The guard has little more freedom than the prisoner; both spend their days in jail.

Let me ask a question. Regardless of how you feel about Obamacare. Do you believe that everyone should have healthcare? It is simple question. Should only people who can pay a doctor have their arm mended when it is broken? If you saw someone who just broke their arm, would you try and help them or only help them if they paid you money?

Come October 1st, it is estimated that 7 million additional people will have access to healthcare. Is that good or bad? It means that people who already have healthcare will have to share with people who did not. You will wait longer to see your doctor if it is not an emergency unless you pay a lot more. Medical care is a limited resource. Currently, 60% of all operations are cosmetic, doctors who could be helping people are giving breast implants and liposuction. Should we spend more on breast implants or heart transplants?

The money that we as a group contribute to the national budget, to the federal government budget is all of ours and we all should have a say in where it goes. We got the numbers. We contribute around 4 billion dollars in federal taxes a year, we can decide who gets what if we decide what is right. So, I read this article about why only some of us should get health care, please read it, then tell me why some people should not get healthcare. Then ask yourself that question again, when you are 60 and get none.

Bloomberg - Doctors Brace for Health Law’s Surge of Ailing Patients

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