Thursday, September 19, 2013

Too Many Doctor Visits and the News

The Pimpernel has been very busy the last two months with doctor appointments. I had avoided seeing them altogether for about 5 years and needed a simple procedure which was completed about a month ago and was a complete success. In the course of being evaluated my physician decided that we needed to spend more quality time together, he also wanted me to spend some time with his peers. The end result is that I have one or two doctor visits a week for the next few months. I have no pressing problems, this is mostly testing and possibly a second procedure of a minor nature.

I had a lengthy visit with my primary doctor today. He is very nice; but, I scare him because of my test results. I have very high blood pressure. Okay, technically, my blood pressure is classified as hypertensive emergency. In addition, my cholesterol is considered way above high risk and I have too many red blood cells. Basically, my numbers say that I should be dead, as my doctor likes to tell me every time he sees me. The solution is to have me take lots and lots of medications, which I have now agreed to do. The funny thing is that I feel better than I have in years.

As we age, we tend to fall apart. That is just the aging process. The doctor believes that the pills will improve my numbers and prevent me from having another heart attack or from having a stroke. They will not prevent me from dying, we all die eventually. What I will say about my doctor is he is no slacker, he is absolutely following up on every little thing. He has even scheduled me to have an ultrasound of my heart. I am amazed at his sincerity and concern. I am also fortunate that I have good insurance and can afford all my medications. There are millions who cannot.

Where am I going with all of this? Well, I have been asked to take on a new assignment. I have a year left before I can retire and was asked to take on a big assignment. I have been asked to design a new computer system to automate some tasks. It is a good idea and was my idea; but, I don't know how much stress I am willing to take on. I should point out that I am not a programmer, I have done programming when the internet was new; but, it has been ten years since I designed a system and at least 15 since I did any programming. If I take this on, it will be my last big project and it is not the one I was hoping for. Regular readers of this blog know that I keep current on technology and if I take this on it will be pretty cutting edge and a first within my industry.

Now, lets get to the news. Yahoo - Wall Street Journal - Say Goodbye to the Password. CBS New York - Seen At 11: Getting Personal – Your Pulse Could Be Your New Password. While it may appear that there is a fight over what will replace your password, I already know the answer to what is even more important. Whatever biometric identification will be required will have to be stored on the cloud. Think about this, people hold all of their important information of their smart phones; but, if the phone is lost or stolen they lose all of that information. If all of your biometric information is on the cloud, that won't matter and it will be simply transferred to your new device or even a device you borrow from someone else.

My9NJ - Tracking Jersey City Employees - Tracking Jersey City Employees. This is your future, every vehicle and every move will be tracked by your employer. Who said big brother had to be the government.

IMRA - Cabinet Establishes Team to Evaluate Reducing the Use of Cash. The bottom line is that Israel is looking to get rid of physical cash and go all electronic. In Europe there is a move to outlaw the wearing of veils by Muslims. They claim it is anti-woman. The real reason is that they want to be able to biometrically identify everyone. When we have an all electronic currency, biometrics will be required for all transactions.

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