Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Bang, bang, bang - Retirement

I now have officially one year before I can retire. The Pimpernel can retire in one year. That does not mean I will, it means I can. It means that I need to start considering how I wish to spend my future. Shall I be alone or with someone? Shall I continue working for anyone or just fade away? Life is a series of offers and threats. What do you offer a man who wants nothing and what do you threaten a man with with who has already died once?

We cannot create wants and can only threaten so much. A society based on threats must fail because motivation at it's base is based on hope. And there is always hope because we exist. You matter, we matter, everyone matters. The Truth is Inside You and the truth is that you matter. This is my birthday wish, that you know that you matter. This is my wish on the anniversary of the love of my life dying, you matter. This is my wish on the last required year of my working, you matter. YOU MATTER.


Robbie said...

Happy birthday, dear one. YOU matter

Pimpernel said...

Dear Robbie,

I love you. You matter as does everyone that reads this. Send me your new email address, I will not post it.