Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Darpa and Google and You

I really think the linked video says it all. Regina E. Dugan was the head of DARPA. DARPA is the research arm of the military and created both the internet and GPS along with all sorts of creepy technologies. She is now an executive with Google and wants to authenticate your identity.

In this video Ms. Dugan shows off her electronic tattoo and explains how it can be used to replace your passwords and give you access to your car, phone, home, basically anything. The video is only 4 1/2 minutes long. Right now there are companies that will only pay you in electronic cash, either a debit card or an electronic transfer to your bank account. In the future, you will not be able to get paid unless you have been electronically authenticated.

YouTube - Former DARPA director on research into Beast Tech.

This is identical to what I predicted on this site years ago. About 6 years ago I was on website and began talking about the coming technologies. My primary focus at the time was the internet and how in the future you would have to prove who you were to use it in the future. At the time one person told me that I didn't know what I was talking about. They have lived to regret those words as many of the things I was talking about are now common knowledge, such as the NSA monitoring of all internet and cell phone traffic.

Real tech is real scary and is coming. Follow the infrastructure to see what is the future.

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