Friday, November 15, 2013

Who Do You Trust and 911

I grew up with a father in federal law enforcement, he was very highly decorated. I grew up believing in the decency of our military and intelligence agencies. Just about every member of my family and friends have been willing to die for this country. I personally dedicated my life to public service and have turned down making obscene amounts of money in favor of public service. I loved my country and my home. The past decade has been very hard on me and has tested my beliefs, I want to explain why.

Somewhere around 2006 I was asked to give a seminar on real estate, I did it as a favor without any compensation. While preparing for it I discovered some disturbing things. I discovered that we were headed for a real estate crash. I already knew that the market was acting wrong. I challenge my readers to investigate what happened prior. The things I want you to look at are called "The Affordability Index" and what trends were predicted for family size, the housing market worked absolutely contrary to both these things. In the end it was just a simple math problem; but, what really disturbed me was that the people in the industry didn't want to believe it. I was invited to a luncheon with some mortgage brokers and told them that the housing market was going to crash when the market hadn't even topped. For two years I continued to watch it grow and kept trying to tell people what was coming.

After I gave my seminar, I continued researching and came to the conclusion that the stock market would also crash and accurately predicted the day and the hour. There are people that read this blog that know that what I have just said is absolutely true, even my ex-wife and children will tell you this is true. No divine intervention was required, I am an analyst and managed hundreds of millions of dollars a year.

When 911 happened I was on the east coast. I watched live as the second plane hit the second building of the world trade center. I was stunned and assumed it was Bin Laden, I completely believed everything I was told. A few months later a friend gave me a video questioning what happened and asking my opinion. I watched it; but, dismissed it quickly. I still don't know exactly what I believe. After the housing crash and market crashes, I was convinced that the financial crashes were planned. For Greenspan to go before congress and tell them that the inverted yield curve that occurred in the economy was nothing to be worried about prior to the stock market crash was a flat out lie, history proved it to be a lie and the Federal Reserve itself public states that an inverse yield curve is one of the number one predictors of a recession or depression is coming. You can easily look this all up.

I became very anxious knowing what was coming economically, I could not believe that we would destroy our own economy as I watched it happen. After seeing it all happen, I had reconsider 911. I went back and re-watched the video I had been given years earlier. I had seen the second crash into the building live on tv. The problem for me began with the pentagon. The nose of a plane is basically tin foil, the engines do all the damage because they are titanium and don't disintegrate, it just doesn't happen. Many in my family were also in aerospace. There was no hole for the engines in the pentagon, just one for the nose. Tinfoil does not penetrate walls while titanium does. I want you to think about that because the engines do not sit in the middle of a plane. Get any picture you wish of the planes and look at where the engines are.

I asked a family member who is an expert in planes and ex-military to look at the pictures of the pentagon and asked him to tell me it was made by a plane and he said that it was impossible. He refused to accept that more went on, on that day, a true believer and I love him. I asked if we were lied to about the pentagon, should we not question other things that happened on 911 and he couldn't do it, not even consider it. The thought that something other than the official story was true was too horrifying for him; but, the pentagon he could not deny. That was the beginning of my journey.

In all of history no steel and concrete building has ever completely failed unless it was intentionally demolished. On 911 three buildings did and one was not hit by a plane. Building 7 was never hit by a plane, we are told it was destroyed by fire. For the first time in history a concrete and steel skyscraper had a complete collapse because of office furniture catching fire, at according to the governmental report. NIST said that was what happened, you research them, I don't feel like providing a link.

Lets go back in time a little bit. Greenspan, Bernake, Paulson and all the pundits said that we would have a "soft landing" when the housing market crashed. Do you own a house? Was it a soft landing or did you lose lots and lots? They lied. They lied about the housing market, they lied about the stock market, they lied about the banks or they are all retarded. Oddly enough, if they are retarded, they sure made a lot of money from these things. They guessed wrong publicly; but, made lots of money personally. Shouldn't this at least raise questions with every reader?

When is it right to question the official story? When is it right to question our most fundamental beliefs in what we believe the world is like? Should we ever consider that the people who benefit the most from the world might rig the game once in power? The question then becomes, when should we question. What is your answer to that question, here is a video for you.

YouTube - High Ranking US Major General Exposes 911 official version untrue

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