Sunday, December 15, 2013

Canada Intentionally Making the Same Mistakes as the US

I am constantly amused by the fact that people cannot see some of the simplest patterns. I read news from all over the US and the world, if you do that, certain things start to become clear. Firstly, real estate is always a local thing. Historically, prices for real estate were based on distance to working centers and the quality of the housing and schools. As the amount of and type of work fluctuated so would the housing market. Pretty simple. After 2001, we began to see a growing housing bubble across the whole nation at the same time even as areas were losing manufacturing jobs.

Now you need to remember that the housing bubble was not just in the United States, it happened in European countries too and again, all at the same time. What I am going to do next is provide a few links to stories about what is going on in Canada. One should remember that Canada was not impacted by the global financial crisis in the same way America and Europe were.

Yahoo - CBCNEWS.CA - Teachers' pension up next for reforms.

In the article it talks about how in Canada the Teachers Pensions are in great condition; but, the Canadian government still wants to change it to restrict benefits. They don't have to, they just want to. Why would anyone want to go after the pensioners when it is fully funded and quite healthy? Why should there be an attack on pensions in Canada that directly mirrors what is going on in the United States?

Yahoo - CBCNEWS.CA - 6 myths and realities about Canada Post. Canada is attempting to destroy their postal service in the same way were are in the United States and they want to blame it on pensions costs, what a surprise.

Yahoo - The Corporate Takeover of Canada. The video discusses a Canadian free trade agreement that allows corporations to sue Canada in an international court over their laws. Hey, didn't I recently write about how the United States is doing the exact same thing.

Yahoo - Cashless Society Coming to Canada, MINT (RFID) CHIP. I wont say that the whole video is great but the discussion about MintChip is interesting. The Canadian government is creating their own version of Bitcoin. The push in both England and Canada is to get rid of coins and make all small purchases use electronic currency while at the same time eliminating checks.

In Poland, the government confiscated 1/2 of all the pension funds. I am pretty sure that what happens in Canada and the United States did not require the Poles to go after pensions, there is no connection between our pensions and their pensions. Why is the ex head of the Bank of Canada now in charge of the Bank of England and intentionally causing them to have a housing bubble just like we did? Why do something that you know will end in the same way that our housing bubble did?

There are people who are exposing many of the things I talk about; but, the vast majority of them have personal interests in doing so. Some sell gold, some sell advertising and some just sell their soul. One of the things I find very disturbing is how they blame people for not "waking up" and stopping what is going on. The truth is, you can wake up as much as you want and it is still going to go down the way it is going to go down. I do not say this pessimistically, I say it realistically. We could all go out on the streets and demand the government to keep printing physical cash and ever outlaw digital purchases. So what. The world is going electronic and we don't have a choice unless we could convince the world to not go digital and that is not going to happen. The biggest adopter of electronic currency is Africa because they have so few banks, they are also the leaders in the usage of cell phones.

I have to be truthful and brutal with my readers or I fear I will not be doing my job and not deserve your readership. From day one I have posted on what I believe is going on in the world. I am sure nobody agrees with me all the time and that is okay; but, I don't think people would keep reading it if they did not believe I was being truthful. This is not some cat video amusing blog, it talks about corruption and things to be wary of.

I want to be very, very clear. When I say we are going to become a cashless society, it isn't a guess it is the fact. As for genetic manipulation and modification, I hate it and there is absolutely nothing you or I can do to prevent it. We could pass any law we wanted; but, it will go on. The point is to be aware of what is going on if you can. Most people do not have the time to read the news as I do. The few of you who bother reading this blog don't have the time; but, you make an effort. Heck, you read this blog and that is an effort.

The vast majority of people neither have the time nor the understanding to really follow something like this blog or all the different news sources to figure out what is going on. When I was working two 8 hour a day jobs to just survive, I could never have written this blog or read any news.

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