Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas Thoughts For Today

Well my dear friends, Christmas is in three days. Wow, what a year. What an amazing last few years. I do hope that I have added something to your days and been of some benefit to you all, amusing if nothing else. I will not explain why exactly; but, I will talk about what I am posting for the season. Something to consider, a touching story, a Christmas story.

Yahoo - Two years after her death, woman gives family wonderful Christmas gift. Please watch the video, it will lighten your heart.

A woman died two years ago and left a letter for her husband, she didn't want him to get it until he had found someone new to love and take care of him and their children. Well, he found a new wife and he didn't know her wish for him. Her wish was that he be happy with his new wife. That hit home with me for many reasons. The link above is to when he found out about her letter. She had it sent to a local radio station that makes Christmas wishes come true. This video is viral and not because of me.

Ever since my wife left me for her hiking partner, I haven't really celebrated Christmas. I do not consider it a religious holiday as we have no reason to believe Christ was born on that day. Having said that, I consider Christmas to be a wonderful secular holiday that reminds of all that we can and should help one another and love one another. I like to see the face of children on Christmas when all is possible. My children were always good on Christmas, they never expected much, always got more than they should have and never focused on the presents other than the ones they gave others. I may have done something right in my life.

This Christmas I hope you all get to spend time with your loved ones and enjoy the most important thing in this world, family and friends and sharing love. For those who are not Christian, it is still okay to celebrate family and friends and love. It is okay to express your love by giving to others.

Now, some fun things for Christmas. My present to my readers. My favorite Christmas videos, some funny and then the last is the one that has always been the hardest on me.

YouTube - Jeff Foxworthy - Redneck 12 Days Of Christmas

YouTube - Cheech & Chong - Santa Claus and his Old Lady

YouTube - Elmo & Patsy - Grandma Got Run over by a Reindeer

YouTube - Charlie Brown Christmas Dance

YouTube - The Grinch Song

YouTube - Alvin and the Chipmunks - The Christmas Song (Don't Be Late)

YouTube - White Christmas from Holiday Inn 1942 (colour)

YouTube - I'll Be Home For Christmas by Bing Crosby

YouTube - Judy Garland - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

I do hope I have included some of your favorites, they are mine. Now I am going to ask a favor. For any of my readers that wish they could give me a present, you can. There is a lady in Detroit who gives out coats to the homeless that also function as sleeping bags. It is a brilliant concept and I want to support her endeavors. Oh, she hires women from shelters to make them and gives them a job. Contribute to her endeavor and what ever value you have ever found in this blog has more than been returned. I may be alone for much of this Christmas; but, I will be happy, warm and well fed. I will be sleeping inside. I will have the luxury of a little quiet time to ponder next year and remember all that has gone into becoming me. Others will be happy if they get anything to eat and can stay warm. Here is the link. The Empowerment Plan. To be clear, you don't have to celebrate Christmas to help the homeless.

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