Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Pension Theft and Broken Promises

I just read a couple of articles that show how one way or the other they are going to get your pension.

Huffington Post - Stealing From Federal Civil Servants: You May Be Next. Apparently the Federal Government is seeking to change the way that cost of living increases are calculated. Why does this matter, well, because these costs were promises made to retirees, completed contracts. Lets say you made a promise to me that if I worked for you for a year then you would pay me $100,000 at the end of the year. I give you a years worth of work and then you tell me you are only going to pay me $60,000. You don't complain about the work and you have the money; but, you want to spend the difference on someone else to work for you.

Maybe you don't care about federal employees being cheated; but, what is to prevent them from doing the same to everyone who has contributed to social security. There is an attack on all forms of retirement funds.

Bankrate.com - Is your public pension at risk?. State and local pensions are not part of the federal system. Yet, they are also being attacked. In Detroit's attempted bankruptcy the judge has stated that the city can reduce pension payments to people who are already retired even though the State's constitution specifically prohibits this.

The media just lies about public pensions. I read papers from all over the world and United States and see the same story repeated again and again. Do you really believe that not one public pension was properly funded? Not one? The best example of this nonsense is the Postal Service, they are being forced to front fund pensions that won't be drawn on for 30 years. I wrote about this recently, regarding how there are people who are attempting to end the public post office.

Pensions, retirement funds and social security are all under attack. Thieves go where the money is and they want everyone's.

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