Tuesday, January 28, 2014

News, Thoughts and Heart Attacks

Back in November I had my second heart attack, I neglected to mention it to my doctor or family. I spent a few weeks in bed to recover. I told myself it was best to keep the news to myself for them, so they wouldn't worry. I think maybe I did it because I don't want everyone telling me what to do. I consider myself fortunate as do my doctors, they tell me I shouldn't have lived this long or survived the first one; but, I did and the second too. I saw a therapist a few months back and he laughingly said, after reading my file, that I just refused to die. He was wrong, I already died once and am not afraid to do so again.

Last week, for reasons I prefer not to go into, I ended up talking to my ex-wife. It was actually a really nice conversation and we both agreed it was nice to hear each others voice. As far as I know, she is unaware of and has never read this blog. She is a nurse now and knew a lot about the pills I am on, she seemed to think it was a good idea that I be on them. I cannot say that I have any animosity towards her anymore and try not to make ex-wife jokes as much; but, sometimes, a good joke is just a good joke. I don't believe she has any animosity towards me either.

After the first heart attack, I sort of lost animosity for anyone. My ex-wife almost died during childbirth a couple of times. The first time was mind boggling and very close. The second was closer; but, different. The first time she lost over half her blood in minutes as she hemorrhaged. She told me how peaceful she found the first experience. She also told me that she never crossed over, never a Near Death Experience and I told her that dying was even nicer.

A lot of deaths are really calm. There is a point where you just know that your time is here and any worries that you have ever had just don't matter anymore. It feels even better when you give up on animosity and regrets. We put so much baggage on ourselves in the life. I sort of take things as they come anymore, seems easier on me.

I am going to post some news and opinion today. Sometimes when I post opinions on the news it may appear that I am angrier than I am. Truth be told most of it I find sort of amusing in it's predictability. We headed for some dark days and confusing times as the nature of our financial world changes and power shifts to the east and Africa. People will be confused and angry and some may get desperate; but, it is really just one of those rides you wait out.

New York Times - Eminent Domain: A Long Shot Against Blight
. This Mayor wants to buy up mortgages of houses that are underwater using the concept of eminent domain. Under eminent domain you buy properties for their current value. Well, if your house has lost half it's value and the bank owns the note, this could save you a lot of money. The banks don't like this idea and are trying to stop it. This is a good one to keep an eye on.

MailOnline - Autism sufferer's hear the world out of sync 'Like watching a badly dubbed film'

. The joke is on them, they still aint got it right.

Michael Prescott's Blog - the big con. I don't really know anything about the blogger; but, I found it an interesting post. He hypothesizes that life is but a dream. I disagree, it is very real, it is just that as our senses expand the world becomes even more real and that is one of the things that happen when you die.

The Guardian - Oxfam: 85 richest people as wealthy as poorest half of the world. Did you know that there is actually more income inequality in the United States than in China? Did you know that in the last 5 years 95% of all the economic gains went to 1% and all the losses were taken by the bottom 95%. The same bankers that caused the mortgage crisis and have fixed all the financial markets have been the only ones to see a "recovery". I love tournament poker; but, hate a rigged game.

Yahoo - CNBC - Richest of the rich ponder how to level the field. The article is a poor example of journalism and a great example of propaganda. The survey was spiked. The wealthy are scared, they are worried that people have noticed that a very few have taken advantage over the vast majority of the rest of us.

WSJ - Progressive Kristallnacht Coming?. This is an opinion piece from a Billionaire who feels that the wealthy are being looked at like Jews were in Nazi Germany. He hates the Occupy Movement by the way. The wealthy are scared, they don't know what to do. During Occupy Wall Street, the banks gave money to New York City to pay for overtime for cops to protect and keep an eye on those crazy leftists.

Huffington Post - Slow Progress On Long-Term Unemployment Benefits As 1.6 Million Miss Out. Wait a second, I just had an idea. What if those concerned business leaders, who really care about income disparity created some jobs. After all, American business is sitting on over one and a half trillion dollars that could be used to create jobs right here in the United States.

Yahoo - AP - The new face of food stamps: working-age Americans. If business and the wealthy in America are not going to create the jobs for the future, who will? What world do you wish to leave your children because, guess what, we are not re-industrializing.

PandoDaily - Disingenuous Basterds: The oligarchs’ long campaign to depict their critics as Nazis
. I don't particularly like how the article is written; but, it has some great links to source articles.

Huffington Post - Why There's No Outcry. A friend of mine was at a party or some event and was introduced to a very important player in her field. She was offended when he took no notice of her. She was upset by that and I told her that he looked at her based on what she could do for him, same as she looked at him. Wealthy people are not the problem, the system that allows people to be taken advantage of is the problem.

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