Sunday, January 12, 2014

What Do You Know About Chemtrails?

Someone anonymously asked me to post on Chemtrails. I am not sure of how big an issue this is; but, have come across many articles and videos regarding it. Lets start with the basics. Jets produce contrails, these are vapor streams left behind them and usually go away after a short bit of time. There are those who believe that chemicals are being sprayed into the sky as part of an effort to effect the weather. The claim is that alumina, barium and other chemicals are being sprayed in the air. The government denies these things are occurring.

Now, I do not claim to have a deep understanding of the research on this matter and have not come to any conclusions on whether or not this is going on. Having said that, the government has sprayed chemicals from the air before. During the Reagan administration marijuana plants were sprayed with a chemical that caused people who smoked marijuana to become sick. This is not a question, it is a fact. I believe the chemical was called something like paraquat. During the 50s and 60s in St. Louis and other places the military was spraying the residents with zinc cadmium sulfide and radioactive elements. Both of these things have been well researched and reported in the mainstream media. RT - US military secretly sprayed radioactive particles in St. Louis and Texas.

I do not know if there is a mass program in place to spray chemicals in the air; but, I do know that the government has done such things in the past. Agent Orange comes to mind. For those who don't know, Agent Orange is a chemical that was sprayed in the jungles of Vietnam during the war to deforest areas so that the "enemy" could not hide. Here are a couple of videos that discuss the "chemtrail" issue.

I write a lot about financial misdeeds and corruption and some may view me as a "conspiracy theorist" because of that; but, lets face it, I was right and all the banks are not paying out billions of dollars in fines for having manipulated the financial markets out of the kindness of their hearts. While researching the financial misdeeds I have often read alternative media and as a consequence have come across many other alternative views on things that are going on in the world. The issue of chemtrails has come up more than once over the years; but, as it is not my area of expertise I have not posted anything about it. As one of my readers asked me to discuss the matter, I will attempt to give some information.

YouTube - Chemtrails - Fully Exposed.

YouTube - What in the World Are They Spraying? (Full Length). This is probably the most famous video regarding the issue.

YouTube - Debunked: KMIR6 Geoengineering the Skies (chemtrails)

I have watched both of these videos all the way through so that I can comment on them. The video,"What in the world are they spraying" I find to be sensationalistic. I was particularly disappointed by the end of the video where they chased down congressmen who were headed to other meetings and asked them if they supported geo-engineering without even making sure these people knew anything about it at all. Sorry; but, your congressmen do not know every bill or every issue and certainly won't get into any detailed discussion on a matter unless they have been briefed. Having said that, the debunkers do a fairly weak job themselves as they don't address the possibility.

YouTube - "Why in the World are They Spraying?" NEW Critically Acclaimed Documentary [HD FULL]. A follow up to the earlier video. I think it is better than the first one.

So, let me sum up this post. A reader asked me to discuss chemtrails and I have spent a few hours watching videos and reading articles on the issue. I have not drawn a conclusion on whether or not we are currently attempting to do ego-engineering on a mass scale. Here is what I do know, global warming is nonsense and there are a lot of people who have economic interests in promoting it. I know this to be a fact because I was there when a group of them met at a conference. I wrote about this a long time ago; but, not as it related to chemtrails. I had attended a conference regarding the federal stimulus program at a large conference center and there was another group there having a conference on how to make money off selling carbon credits. The people I saw were not scientists, they were young business people who saw an opportunity to make money off of trading carbon credits. It was not a bunch of environmentalist hippies, it was stock trading yuppies. I read through some of their stuff. What can I say, I am nosy.

Now lets consider this. If we could control the weather, would we? The answer is yes. The second question is if people could make money from betting against crops being successful, would they be willing to manipulate the rain so that those crops did not grow? The answer is yes and we have seen it in the past. Any market that can be manipulated to make a profit will be manipulated to make a profit. The last question is if this is occurring? Well, we know that cloud seeding occurs on a small scale. This is not news and it is not new, cloud seeding to get rain has been going on for decades. The final question then is whether or not governments are currently involved in spraying metals and chemicals into the sky through the use of chemtrails. I don't know that answer. I have watched the videos and haven't found the smoking gun for me. I would be against any such things; but, it just is not my area of knowledge and I don't know what is going on.

So whether you believe in Chemtrails or not, what you should know is that we would control the weather if we could and we have spent lots of time trying to see what we can do to control the weather. The question we are left with is whether or not we should. I am against genetically modifying people or plants or anything else. I don't think we should play with nature, it is very non-scientific. Look, if you believe in evolution then you believe that objects respond appropriately as a total system and that it works. That is the essence of the theory of evolution. To introduce non-natural objects into the environment is always dangerous because you have no way of knowing all of the consequences as we do not have complete understanding how things interact.


Dear Anonymous,

I too have been on this planet over 50 years and do not recall seeing these types of trails until the last 10 years or so. Having said that, I do not feel I have sufficient information to know what is in the trails.

As a rule, I like to be able to use source documents or other sources that I feel confidence in when writing about things. I was asked to discuss the matter and chose what I believe to be the most popular video series on the subject.

I do read and watch alternative media; but, there are certain people that I avoid using as sources including David Icke, Alex Jones and Rense among others.

In regards to what are chemtrails, I don't have any independent information and fewer sources that I can independently corroborate. While I support others research into this matter, I don't believe I have spent the time necessary for me to make certain conclusions.

If these trails are due to an intent to cause some changes in the atmosphere, what is being used and why are unclear. I have read everything from depopulation (which I don't believe is the purpose) to weather modification to polluting the soil so that people will use GMO seeds. I have also not read who might be doing such thing on the worldwide scale that it is claimed.

One thing that has changed is the height at which commercial jets now fly. They fly much higher than they used to and now are capable of flying in areas that used to be reserved for military flights.

When I write about financial matters, I will link to and quote the IMF, Bank of England, FDIC and international publications from people involved directly in the decisions. I do this so that people can make decisions on their own. I spent over 4 hours going over materials yesterday before posting one video and while I am left with questions, I have seen or read a smoking gun answering who or why regarding this matter.

I would be happy to publish more information on this matter and if sent the links will provide them as appropriate.

When I openly publish names and publicly state that someone is a crook, as I did with Elliott Broidy, you should know I am not afraid of being sued and can back up everything I say. I spent years researching the public pension frauds going on. When I write about it I do not publish everything I believe, only what I can verify.

Why is this important? The internet has not changed the laws regarding libel or plagiarism. When I post a link, I attribute the publisher and link to the original article. I do not quote large parts of the article; but, summarize what the article said and link to it. I also do not make a single penny off of this blog. In the not too distant we will see more and more people have their sites closed for violating rules regarding libel, plagiarism and using their sites without saying that they are actually promoting sales without discussing their monetary interests in the sales. I don't do that.

In my post I mentioned agent orange and the spraying that was done in St. Louis and other places. These are things that I can verify and show what the government is willing to do. I can document them. I can write about MK Ultra and source document to the Church commission and the congressional record.

When looking at chemtrails I spent some time over at "The Black Vault" (which I highly recommend to anyone), it is one of the best sources on government documents and the owner is about the best there is in getting Freedom Of Information requests there is, I found nothing on chemtrails.

While Wikileaks releases 4 documents from the 1970s regarding cloud seeding, that is nothing new. We have been seeding clouds to get rain for decades and openly.

Here is what I would like to see. We have many people researching chemtrails, simple place to start is by looking at who sells the materials that would be needed in the quantities that are claimed. That really should not be that hard to check for someone who is a researcher in the field. We can show that the federal government has bought billions of rounds of bullets for the government, someone should be able to find out if there are massive amounts of alumina being purchased. The claim is that megatons of the stuff is being released into the sky so there will be purchase orders and contracts for the stuff.

I absolutely do not believe everything the government says. I also do not always assume the worst or that everything they say is lie either. When I wrote about the death of Pastor Daniels, I actually reviewed the published parts of the police report and the autopsy, I did not publish the diagrams as I thought they might upset her family; but, I read every word. When I wrote about the crime scene, I looked at actual pictures from google earth and read correspondence from people who had lived in the area.

When I post on this blog, I hold myself to a certain standard and as I have no editor, must be self-editing. In person I cuss a lot and I don't do that here. If I say I believe something to be the truth, I make sure I can back it up. If I say something is my opinion, I clearly identify it as such. Somethings I am willing to say I question and why.

Let us assume that someone or some organization is pumping tons and tons of aluminum in the sky. Constructively, it would like chaff that is used to confuse missiles aimed at military planes. That should show up on radar. In fact, if as much as is needed was being used, airports would be reporting massive disruptions to their radar and that is not occurring. It is possible something other than alumina is being released; but, we would to now what and why it is not picked up by radar.

In the video regarding what is being sprayed, there is a scene where a weatherman reports on chaff being released during a military practice, showed up pretty good on his radar and with hundreds of weatherman using radar, if this is as massive as claimed then it should show up or something is being used that has not been claimed by those concerned about chemtrails.

I am willing to look at and consider any issue; but, I have to read all sides and explanations before coming to hard conclusions. I have publicly called out Mr. Broidy and if he ever sued I don't think he would like answering my questions very much; but, he would have the opportunity. The same goes for the CIM Group, anytime any day because I have done my research before giving my opinion on them.

I consider this blog an opinion blog, I quote the research of others and ask what it really means. It is not a speculative blog except where I am discussing philosophy or religion.

The problem I have with the mainstream media is that they spend so little time on what really matters such as the financial crisis we are in and what they do say is usually skewed to whatever the official story is. The problem I have with much of the alternative media is that they report everything as a worst case scenario and provide sketchy backup.

There are some very disturbing things going on in the world. While most people will not be familiar with the Transhumanism movement, it is very real and very scary. Governments are actively combining the genes of humans with those of animals and admit it to some degree. I can prove what they are doing and why, I can link to their own documents and have and will continue to.

Chemtrails for me are a tougher one. Pick any reason you want for them putting things in the sky, it would pretty simple for the government to say they were having it done to reduce global warming. People might complain; but, most would go along. So why hide it? It would be easier just to come up with a good lie.

I was willing to write about this subject because a reader asked me to and it may have been you. How I write about it is on me and as I have not formed a firm opinion I want to read all the opinions and investigate them on my own before making opinion statements. I intentionally posted a video that questioned if there were chemtrails at all and I found the debunker equally uninformative.

As you are over 50 maybe you recall what we used to be taught. If you are going to write about something provide the who, what, when, where, why and how. In this case, we do not know the who, what, why or how. We know when and where trails appear from behind planes and that is about it. People speculate on why, who, when and how and they don't all agree, not even in the same video.

If I were doing investigative journalism regarding the matter, I would start by looking at the sales of alumina by every producer and see if there had been an increase in sales or production in the last decade. This would actually be pretty simple to do for someone who was funded to do such a thing. Te next step would be to see who bought it and what they claimed they were using it for. I haven't seen that information yet; but, remain open to it.


Anonymous said...

I have been on this planet over 50 years and have never seen the massive trails in the sky from planes ever...this is the first day in over 5 days that they are not spraying, are you going to tell me that planes are not flying today? Look up once in a while a you will see the proof...

Pimpernel said...

Dear Anonymous,

I have updated my post.

Anonymous said...

5 days in a row now with no chem trails...thanks for your posts, keep them up and keep waking up America !