Thursday, February 13, 2014

Some Stupid Non-Believers Accept Anything That Seems to Contradict the Bible

I read this article and it is just too stupid to be believed, yet, it is all over the internet. Yahoo - Appearance of camels in Genesis called sign of authors' distance from history. The author is a complete fool and I would be more than willing to explain that to them.

The article says that camels were not domesticated until long after mentioned in the bible. The article says, "They believe camels were not domesticated in the eastern Mediterranean until the 10th century B.C." Really, how retarded is that. They claim that the bible was written after camels were domesticated. Really, how amusing. The researchers believe camels were not domesticated until 100 years before Jesus appeared or roughly 3,000 years ago. Just for reference, it is believed that horses were domesticated over 5,000 years ago. Having said that, it is generally accepted that camels were domesticated around the same time.

These articles that I quote are not aimed at Christians, they are aimed at non-believers. There true intent is to keep people away from belief. They are also meaningless.

Whether or not God exists is the most fundamental question one can ask oneself. The question is so simple, are you the greatest intelligence in the universe or is there a greater intelligence, a greater being, one that knows all that can be known for any given moment.

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