Monday, March 24, 2014

Stop the Hype About Obamacare

I wasn't going to talk about this because there is already nothing but bias and lies about the healthcare law and most people don't even understand what it does. Over the last few days Matt Drudge or the Drudge Report was complaining that he had to pay a tax for not getting health insurance. Well, turns out he wasn't being totally honest and had chosen to pay anticipated taxes as he is self employed. His income is in the millions probably and that tax would be like $68. Now, he would only pay it if he chose not to get health insurance. Here is my first question, who would anyone with his money not have health insurance? Is he a complete imbecile or somehow immune from sickness? All it takes is one heart attack to understand how expensive this stuff can get and cancer can be a lot more expensive than that. So, I have to question the intelligence of a man who can afford the best health insurance getting none by choice.

Apparently his complaint is that people should not be required to have health insurance. I have read a lot of people complain about this. These are the same people that will end up in the hospital and then declare medical bankruptcy or wait until they are sick to get insurance and complain that they have to pay more. When you put other people at risk we often require you to have insurance or a bond equivalent to a high amount, that is how car insurance works. You don't have to have car insurance in many states, you only have to have a bond equivalent to what the insurance amount would otherwise be. All policies have limits, car insurance used to have a limit of $250,000 exposure by the insurance company; but, I don't know what it is now. If you live in a flood zone, you have to have flood insurance. We require insurance for all types of activities so why shouldn't we require people to have medical insurance?

Personally, I am in favor of having nationalized medicine as they have in England and Canada and many other western countries. I am in favor of socialized medicine that guarantees medical care for all of a nations citizens. Unfortunately Obamacare keeps the control of healthcare in the hands of the same people who have been raising rates for the past 40 years, the medical establishment, the pharmaceutical establishment and the private hospitals.

The reason so many hospitals and colleges were created by the Catholic church is because the wealthy wouldn't create either for anyone other than themselves and that is a fact. Ask yourself how many private hospitals invested in African countries. Yeah. The Catholic church sent missionaries who had medical training to Africa and South America.

Nothing infuriates me more than someone telling me they are a Christian and then complaining about taking care of the poor or taxes. I don't have a problem with an Atheist or Satanist telling me that (I am not comparing the two, Satanists tend to look down on the poor); but, I have a problem with someone saying they are a Christian and making these complaints. When the rich young man said he wanted to follow Jesus, Jesus told him to give up ALL his possessions and follow him daily.

The bible says that when we go to heaven many will call out the name of Jesus and he will say that he didn't know them. They will say that they know who he is and what he is; but, are so selfishly blind that they cannot understand his answer. It is not about knowing he is the Christ, it is about knowing his heart, his essence, that which makes him the Christ. It is not some ritual that you learn to do right, it is about loving your neighbor as yourself. He will tell them, those who know his name; but, not his heart, that he never knew them and they will say they never met him and he will explain that everytime they saw the poor, the troubled, those in pain that they had the chance to know him by helping those in need.

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