Monday, April 21, 2014

I Will Be Back Soon

Sorry dear readers; but, I have been spending time on another site and not paying attention to the news in my normal manner. A couple of articles I did read are worthy of following.

New York Times - Paper Shows U.S.-Flagged Plane in Iran Has Ties to Ghana. The story is a cover for something else, this should be apparent. During the Vietnam war, Kissinger was holding discussions with North Vietnam in Paris I believe. The negotiations were hidden from the public and the news stories about Kissinger were about how he was jet setting with an actress. This story is just as nonsensical.

Yahoo - AP - Governor: Closing Boston amid bomber hunt 'tough'. This is interesting. Firstly, the governor took responsibility for closing Boston. That would mean that neither the Boston police, Boston mayor or the City of Boston made the decision. When a governor closes down a City it means that a state of emergency has been declared and martial law is in effect.

Here is a great nonsensical line from the article: "That the population of greater Boston overwhelmingly agreed to shelter in place — it was not mandatory — and that there was little second-guessing despite the inconvenience and disruption of commerce it caused, was viewed as a reflection of the anxiety gripping the region."

Lets look at these one by one. The author states that the people of Boston "agreed" to shelter in place and that it was not mandatory is garbage. You can go look at the pictures of police in military style vehicles holding machine guns and aiming them at houses. Would you run outside? It was a door to door manhunt. The statement that there was little "second-guessing" is both untrue and depressing. Many people questioned this and it's legality. Why is closing down whole cities (it was also done in Southern California in the case of the ex-cop who killed two people) supposed to be okay or the new normal?

I am particularly tired of mainstream media shills being nothing more than mouthpieces for the authorities. "Shelter in place" from whom, the people who threatened to shoot them were the police. Why should innocent people be forced to hide from the police? Watch out for their logic, it is really scary. How many crimes happen everyday? How many killings happen everyday? Will we shut down whole cities everytime there is a murder and then not be expected to question it?

I ask my readers to have a little patience as I am bouncing a lot of balls right now, just had my first grandchild and am trying to find a place to retire to. I should also point out that this little one many show takes a lot of time as it requires that I read at least 30 news sources a day to find just one or two articles worthy of repeating. Hope you all had a nice Easter. It is worth remembering why it is remembered, it is remembered not because of bunnies and candy or even because our Lord died; but, to remember that we have salvation available and that he rose again. It is a day commemorating hope.

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