Saturday, August 23, 2014

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Hello all,

The Pimpernel contributes to many charities and has housed the homeless for around five years in his own home. I have also made substantial contributions to food banks (one of which I helped start). Since I was in elementary school I have worked and contributed to MDA and UNICEF. THE ALSA foundation supports people and research into Lou Gehrig's disease, a disease that slowly destroys people. There is a challenge going around to either contribute $100 or dunk your head in ice water buckets. People with integrity have done both, I have not been given the challenge; but, will be contributing $400 to charity with the first $100 going to ALSA. The other $300 will be going to MDA (Muscular Dystrophy), a food bank and homelessness.

Once one has taken the challenge, they are entitled to challenge others and I have already begun that process. As this blog is anonymous I will not be posting videos nor calling people out by name on this site. In fact, I have been making personal calls to the people I am challenging. One of them is the president of a substantial company and another is the head of another organization. I am not challenging them for $100, I am challenging them to give $100 to ALSA and $300 to any charities of their choice.

For 7 years I have been writing this blog and it has over 60,000 hits. I have never asked for a dime and do not advertise, this site is not and never will be monetized. I don't roll that way. It will also always be anonymous unless people choose to post identifying information. That is how I roll. Having said that, I want to know if any of you will bother to contribute, if you do let us know and you don't have to identify yourself or prove it to me. It is a moral question. Do you care about others, do they matter? I think we all matter.

One of my best friends died from a similar disease. I watched this lovely man slowly lose everything, his body, his mind and his awareness. It was horrifying; but, he did it with integrity. This is for you Bill, I miss you and love you.

Robbie, you are being called out to take the challenge and challenge everyone on the website that I used to be a member of and let them know that this is from me, if any remember me on it and even if they do not.

If the truth is inside you then I hope your truth is that others matter and that you are willing to help others. Lets have some fun while giving to help others. Peace.


1 comment:

sizzlingcell said...

I posted the ice bucket challenge on facebook yesterday and called out my band members...