Sunday, January 18, 2015

I Am Back

I have been in another state for the past couple of weeks. I never tell people when I am leaving town and you should never announce such a thing over the internet. I was in a small desert town with mostly retirees. I thought I was going to lose my mind. I cannot let that become my retirement, my life.

I have retired and am looking toward the future and what I want to do, the life I want to lead. I don't want to be in a place that is quiet as a grave. I want to be close to options and I want to take some of them some of the time. I don't want to disengage from society in some sleepy little city of retirees. I need to find a new reason to get up in the morning without burning myself out or having another heart attack.

The next week or so will be full of parties and people thanking me and food. After that I will need some time to figure out what direction I want to take next.

Now that I am home I will start reading the news more and posting more. I hope you have all been well through the holidays.

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