Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Why Doesn't the Corporate Media Denounce all Violence

I have been writing this blog for over 7 years and I dare anyone to show me where I have posted anything racist. What you will find is multiple times when I have mentioned that I am a pacifist. I also openly express my belief that Israel has a right to exist. Yet, if I say anything that defends Trump supporters there will be those who assume that I am a bad right winger which is funny seeing as how I also openly call out our corporate leaders who pay off politicians to destroy the middle and working classes.

After Charlottesville the media and many politicians claimed Trump was a racist because he called out all sides that engaged in violence. I guess this means that Jesus was a racist too. Let's be honest and admit that for about a year and a half left leaning people have been causing riots and using violence with the media not condemning them. When Milo Yiannopolus was about to give a speech in Berkley, "Antifa" and others on the left started a riot to prevent him from speaking and the media seemed to blame him rather than those who actually committed the vandalism. When these same people attacked people for attending Trump rallies, the media sought to blame Trump rather than the people who actually committed the acts of violence.

Charlottesville began when people started calling for the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee. Lee is not a simple character, in fact he opposed secession from the union. Did you know that before they brought black slaves to England they still killed the poor for fishing in the kings lakes? Before the English oligarchy took control of Ireland, they abused their own poor. Long before they abused blacks, they abused the Irish. That is a historical fact. Color does not matter, the powerful abuse the weak. Should we fight over who should be the weakest?

What if, like the corporate media, we argue over who should have the right to abuse us, the left or the right? Who should be able to control what we say and our thoughts? Nazi's or anarchists? Why are people arguing over who has the right to use violence when none do?

God is none to happy with people who say that violence is right. Thou shalt not kill is actually one of the ten commandments. Love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself is how Jesus summarized the commandments. Why is the media arguing over who to hate and who we can abuse and restrict speech from?

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