Sunday, September 10, 2017

12 Links For You to Read, With Commentary.

Forbes - One Solution to California's Drought: Tax Water. The intent is to tax everything other than income in a time when most will not have any jobs.

The Mercury News - Opinion: Tax water to provide clean water to Californians whose supply is contaminated.  They want to tax the water and the air; but, they apparently cannot agree on the excuse, and that is all it is.

Fox - Taxing organic products could solve California water problem, experts say. Now they argue about taxing organic produce to solve a water problem? NOOO, to increase the price of organic so the majority of people can only afford non-organic.

Yahoo - Newsweek - Robert Reich: On Labor, Tragically, Trump Was Right.  The article points out that the wealthy are spending more and more to control elections and buy politicians which is why we are gutting public services like education and what workers are paid. We all know this, in fact, only one in ten even trust our businesses, banks or political leaders. This by the way is why there is an increase in propaganda to think about everything other than following the money.

MSN - Country Living - Parents Can't Figure Out Why This Student's Math Problem Was Marked Wrong.  They are intentionally destroying education for all but the well off who attend private school. Want proof? Read the article or answer this question, what is 5 X 3? I would say the answer is 15, nope according to how our children are being taught it is 3 X 3 X 3 X 3 X 3. In fact if your answer it is 5 X 5 X 5, you are wrong. Why are we teaching kids that math is harder than it needs to be? Oh, yeah, so they won't learn or like learning.

Fox - Mark Hamill donates to campaign to remove Donald Trump from Twitter. I like this, people are actually willing to donate money to someone else to buy a majority position in Twitter, rather than getting the stock themselves, to prevent our President from being able to speak directly to us. Hmmm. Why not just start a new site that works like Twitter and say that what makes your site different is that you don't allow the President on it or other people you don't like? The people who control this nation really still have not figured out how to control the internet; but, they are trying.

MSN - Business Insider - Trump reversed regulations to protect infrastructure against flooding just days before Hurricane Harvey.  I really enjoyed this one, they implied that Trump was responsible for the hurricane damage because he cancelled an executive order that Obama passed that has never been in effect and wasn't planned to be in effect by Obama.

Independent - Scientists think they have discovered the maximum age a human can live to.  Something I have written about before. People are not living to be older, the top age has not changed. The difference is people are not dying as young as they used to, like we have impacted childhood deaths and early deaths; but, not the extent of life.

Fox - Trump, GOP should keep DACA but scrap birthright citizenship. Why are people on the left and right both against making these people citizens? DACA didn't make anyone a citizen, yet the media acts as if these people were safer under the rule which wasn't a law and the right wants to say being born in America doesn't make you a citizen. It is all about creating two levels or more of citizenship and watch if accomplished only a few will get the right to vote.

Fox - House moves quickly to pass self-driving technology law.  Congress is moving right now to approve laws preventing states from making their own laws. Funny, I thought the Republicans were in favor of states rights. Hmmm. Oh, in addition, this is being done so that 150,000 self driving cars can be put on the roads by NEXT year.

Yahoo - The Independent - Donald Trump doesn't realise Ivanka 'isn't that impressive to people', says political analyst.  Well, expect to see more and more articles attacking Ivanka. I guess she was the next member of his family to get all negative attention. Isn't it great that with only 6 corporations owning 90% of all the media it doesn't matter who you read or watch in the corporate mainstream media because they all speak with one voice.

Washington Examiner - FEC Dems renew bid to regulate Internet, Drudge, 'not done fighting'.  Yep, the corporate Democrats want to regulate political speech on the internet because some Russians put ads on Facebook to the tune of $100,000. I wonder how many political ads the Democrats put on Facebook or the Republicans? It was a lot more. The elitists really do not understand the internet; but, they know they hate it. They hate it, free speech and democracy. They like control and monopolies.

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