Friday, September 22, 2017

Liberal Protests Today

Back in the early 60s the youth protests for equal rights for blacks. In the late 60s and 70s the youth protested the war in Vietnam. In the mid to late 70s women protested for rights and pay parity when doing the same job. In the 80s the youth protested nuclear energy and weapons. During the 90s and early 2000s they protested for gay marriage. Today the protest against metal statues of dead southerners, the right to be here illegally and non-existent Nazis. They don't even protest all the wars we are in because they don't have to be in them.

During the 60s and 70s the establishment determined that people had to be allowed to express themselves to let off steam; but, they also determined that they should choose the targets for the complaints. Liberals do not protest the fact that they don't get one person one vote in the Democratic party and that the "leaders" of the party decide who gets one third of the votes in primaries. As for Republicans, they almost hold protest meetings.

Lets be honest, people don't protest to put more rules on the bankers or to eliminate tax cuts for the rich. They will protest for a $15 an hour minimum wage and get soundly ignored by both parties. Both the average Republican and Democrat would like to see Glass Stiegel put back; but, they don't unite to ask for it. Heck both would like to see limits on the interest rates that people are charged but they don't protest for these things.

The youth are distracted by the petty and incapable of protesting what will effect them. What their biggest threat is not having a decent job. What is coming for them is a world in which their are fewer public services, no chance for retirement and a diminishing lifestyle. Real threats. They attack free speech and the only result they can hope for is that they will be free from being informed or intellectually challenged. The protest to make sure that they only hear what they want in their safe spaces rather than the freedom and opportunity to be challenged and grow. Professional baseball players do not grow by pitching to your little league team; but, the little leaguers may.

College educated youth are told that people in the Midwest have absolutely no understanding greater than their own. They are taught that the people in 90% of the country are ignorant buffoons believing in silly things like God and country and industry. They are taught that these people are backwards and bigots and xenophobes and misogynists; but, they don't even know what the words mean most of the time. They are more accepting of people who cut their penises off and call themselves women (rather than eunuchs which is technically what they are) than they are of people who work in factories that lose their jobs to outsourcing. They are being taught to have no sympathy or respect for people who do not live in the coastal cities enjoying the fruits of high tech jobs. They are being taught to be elitists and that they are better than the rest of us.

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