Monday, September 4, 2017

Trump is Not a Bad Person Even if I Disagree With His Economic Policies in Part

My longtime readers know that I supported the Occupy Movement and Bernie Sanders. Nothing has changed. Antifa was not part of the occupy movement, they are scum. People in the corporate media and academia talk about white privilege, yet fail to notice where it really is. People that join the Klan don't come from white privilege, they come from poor and rural. 500 or so white nationalists marched in Charlottesville, a bunch of poor dumb hicks. They tend to be the poorest and dumbest amongst us. They know they are hated, they know they can't win and can't get ahead. I knew some people who wanted to be Klansmen when I was younger. I confronted their beliefs in a direct and non-confrontational manner. I figured every challenge I changed over was worth the effort. Hate is evil. It is our job to love our neighbor as we loves ourselves. Not left, not right, Christian. Real Christianity, the words Jesus used.

For my longtime readers, you know I always referred to President Obama as President Obama. I thought he was a mediocre President as best. I detest President Clinton and the Bushes, yet, I always referred to them as President. There are people who claim Trump is not their President; but, he is and deny reality is insanity by definition. President Trump has all the authority of the office whether you like him or not. It is insanity to claim Trump is not your president because you believe he is a bigot, Jefferson was our President and owned slaves as did Washington. Beyond that, Trump is not a bigot.

Lets start with some simple stuff. Trump treated women better in his organization than anyone else in the same industries. He is not a misogynist. He promoted minorities and gave them more authority than others in his industries, he is not a bigot. He married eastern Europeans, he is not a xenophobe. He was one of the first to congratulate Elton John when he married his longtime lover, he is not a homophobe. His daughter converted to Judaism and married a Jew, he is not an anti-Semite and Israel actually likes him a lot. Those are facts, not opinions. He is also apparently a very nice person and the people that have worked for him haven't had bad things to say about him, not the women, not the gays, not the blacks, not the Hispanics.

President Trump visited the Houston area where the flooding occurred and the media chose to belittle his wife Melania for wearing high heels while walking to the plane taking them to Texas.

Yahoo - Melania Trump mocked for her 'storm stilettos' as she heads to Texas for Hurricane Harvey relief.  I said a day would not go buy where the corporate mainstream media did not find something to say negatively about Trump.

While the corporate mainstream media blames everything on Trump, the fact is people know better. Even true progressives can see how manipulative and deceitful the media is being. They don't think people can see it because they don't respect the average person and to a degree they are correct. The average person does not have the time, training or intelligence to look beyond all the lies. I want my readers to focus on the lies so that they can see beyond them.

I think the establishment misses what President Lincoln said, "You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time; but, you cannot fool all of the people all of the time". That should be real close to what he said if not exact. The problem with the corporate media is that they are attempting just that and failing. Every week the media grabs on to some nonsense attack on President Trump and has to drop it the following week because they are made up stories. People see that, even the ones that hate Trump.

We have been told that fewer blacks voted for Trump than Hillary. How would we know that as fact? You do not say you are black or white when you vote and your vote is anonymous. Not even the people getting your ballot know how you voted. I had that job once. We do not know the race or the sex of who voted for Trump, it is based on polling. What the polling does say is that more blacks admitted to voting for Trump than for McCain. It is possible that not a lot of blacks were willing to say publicly that they voted against the first black president; but, felt freer to say they voted against Hillary.

Texas is very much a Republican state and I watched the video of Trump helping out by handing out food at one of the shelters. There was whole bunch of blacks in those shelters who seemed gleeful to take their picture with him. They understood that they were meeting the President of the United States of America, their President, and they know that means. They still this country cares about it citizens; but, are coming to realize that neither party cares about this country. They can see that it only benefits the in crowd. They get that. It is why they voted for Trump and would have voted for Bernie.

Consider this. Trump supporters saw him saying that he was with the working and middle class while Hillary's motto for her followers was to say that they were with her, that she was what mattered. For Hillary to have a motto that said, "I'm with her" is the most narcissistic statement ever. While campaigning, Hillary actually failed to make appearances in some of the most important mid-west states. She lost those states and they didn't have large numbers of Russians in them either. They were states losing jobs overseas and she had nothing to offer them except more of the same and they knew it. These are the same states that had voted for Obama twice and she called them racists and the media agreed. Detroit has an 82% black population and Trump won Michigan.

Here is what the establishment no longer understands, we are all upset with what is going on. Not Trump, with our establishment abandoning this nation in favor of their own personal interest. President Trump's support within the military and with veterans is higher than I have seen for any other president, except perhaps Reagan. The people that die so that we can have freedom of speech support President Trump. I would bet that he has more support from Black veterans than Obama did. If he didn't believe me the media would be talking about it.

I support the working class and middle class. I support border control and requiring people to apply for citizenship. I support killing international trade agreements that deny us our constitutional rights or turn over the judicial power to corporate entities, like the TPP did until Trump killed it. Trump has NOT moved against gay marriage, abortion or sought to increase the regulation of people in any way.

I'm a frickin socialist and have proudly stated such for decades. My readers are pretty much evenly split between the left and right, my friends are mostly conservatives. I was a preacher in a church of gay Hispanics, many of who were seeking asylum from their own countries where they would be killed for being gay. I have known two gay nuns, one who left Mexico and another that is still there and hiding her homosexuality.

IF President Trump does something truly racist or anti-gay or anti-black, I will be the first to call him out and I will shred him for it. Nobody gets a pass from me, not even me. What upsets me is that the constant negative and deceitful messaging from the corporate mainstream media will drown out when Trump actually does evil, if he does.

Does anyone really believe that the same corporate media that failed to inform the public about the outsourcing while it was happening now cares about them? This is the same corporate media that said the economy was great right up until the crash and then said it would be a "soft landing", I wrote about that at the time. It is simple, the corporate is media owned by six companies IS the establishment and they are looking out for themselves. That is what is being exposed. As George Carlin said, there is a big club and you and I are not members. Trump is not a member and neither is Bernie. It is Members Only and Trump is not a member. That is the problem they have with him. He is more concerned about the middle and working class then he is about the establishment and they know that.

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