Tuesday, October 24, 2017

YouTube Comments

The Pimpernel has been leaving comments on YouTube for about two months now. Not many, just a few. While one might expect that I have received tremendous hate, in fact, I find the whiners tend to go away really quickly when faced with actual discussion.

I point out simple things like I do on this blog. I point out that neither Trump, nor gay marriage, nor blacks, nor Jews, nor Muslims, nor abortionists, nor junkies, nor Mexicans trashed our economy. That was done by the Clintons, the Bushes and Obama. The same is true of who was responsible for all of the wars in the last 30 years. That basic fact is what nobody want's to discuss if they represent the establishment of either party.

We are all being nailed to crosses by the oligarchs that run this place and we are arguing over who has it worse. Simple math seems to allude the establishment in their narrative. In the last decade ALL of the new economic gains in the United States has gone to the top 1% and that is misleading because the vast majority of those gains were by the top .01%. Most of America is white; but, 99.9% of white Americans have not made any gains in the last 40 years. This is called math. People should use it when having discussions. If this nation is truly racist and protecting the interest of white people, they are doing a really bad job of it. The problem is not racism, it is the fact that a very few people own this country and don't want to share in the wealth it has created for all.

I love watching commenters on YouTube make the assumption I am a conservative. I've got a decade of posts that explain that I am socialist. I have written that if you don't pay your taxes, they take your house and put you in jail; but, if a corporation doesn't pay their taxes and hides it overseas, we offer to reduce the amount they pay in taxes. My answer is to nationalize those companies and take the taxes. Those companies are okay with you losing your house for not paying taxes. Does that really sound like a conservative?

There is no left and no right. The Democrats and Republicans are both the party of the wealthy, they just differ on social issues. Be afraid of what unites them, not the meaningless that divides them. The owner of sheep does not like the males more than the females, they are merely cattle.

Trump has confused the wealthy. During the election one billionaire offered Trump $1 billion to quit the race. You can look that up, I am not even sure if I wrote about it at the time. They are not afraid of Trump, they are afraid of everyone else, the middle class, the working class. They afraid that we might respond to their class warfare, that we might revolt over their crashing the economy and stealing all those houses and retirement funds. Those two crashes (housing and stock) were the single thefts in history and it was a conspiracy and it was planned and I have proven that with math in previous posts from that time.

The question is why cannot they figure out that I am leftist on YouTube? Why do they assume I am a conservative if I point out that the media is lying about Trump? Most Sanders supporters will give you the exact same answer, he was cheated, Hillary cheated and took questions in advance before the debates. 1/3 of the delegates had committed to Hillary before the first primary had been held. They don't want people to point these things out and accuse us of being deplorables and Republicans to say that we want to divide and for people to have less. I call for people having more and uniting. We can give everybody a job and we can feed everybody if we want to, the labor is there and the materials are there. The wealthy fear that everyone in the world will become 1970s middle class. An empowered middle class is the scariest thing in the world to aristocracies and oligarchies, to the one's in charge. They fear that you might stop believing that people can be born slaves or into debt?

I should also point out that I am in fact working on my story about the Rat Pack and vampires. I am actually doing it as a straight drama. After I get the story straight I will do the humor. That was what I decided today and it is changing the plotline in a good way.

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