Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Rumors and Unverified Claims

The Pimpernel is cautious about what he writes. I have been given names over the years of people accused of being involved in the murder of Pastor Carol Daniels, I don't publish accusations. I have approached on more than one occasion by people who have wanted speculation regarding specific people, I don't give them. I do not post on Facebook or Twitter. I also do not make a penny from this blog, nor do I advertise it or ask anyone else to. People are free to link to anything I post and they are free to comment anonymously; but, if they accuse someone of a crime that the person has not been charged with, I will not post their comment. I do not wish to be accused of defamation.

The internet is a wonderful thing in many ways and problematical in others. The internet is still young. The issue of what the internet will become is an important one as speech on the internet is not protected in the same way that mail is, nothing you say on the internet ever leaves, it is all recorded and kept. At the same time, anyone can express their beliefs using this tool.

The internet has allowed people in repressive countries to revolt, to band together to call out tyranny. It has also been used to post naked pictures of people's exes without their permission. It can be used to make false claims against enemies. It can be used to publicly publish the most vile lies against others, anonymously. I allow people to publish anonymously comments; but, I do not allow them to publish unverifiable accusations of crime.

What limits should there be on what you can use the internet to accuse people of? I would say none, I don't believe in "prior restraint", I don't believe in stopping free speech. I am however okay with using existing law, like libel and slander or criminal conspiracy against people even if it was done over the internet.

I would ask others to be cautious of what they post, don't say people are guilty of crimes until convicted. It is okay to ask if what they did is a crime; but, it is for judges and juries to determine guilt and innocence. It is okay for the President to say something should be investigated, it is not okay for him to say someone is guilty prior to them being found so in a court of law. It is okay to say the President should be investigated, it is not okay to say he sexually harassed without it being found so. It is okay to repeat what others have said about themselves; but, one must be careful. It is okay to say that someone accused someone else of a crime; but, it is not okay to say they are guilty and take sides. I do not assume that someone is guilty of sex crimes until convicted.

We have reached a point where everyone is being accused of sex crimes. I don't know who is guilty; but, I can comment on what they have said about it. I can post the picture of Al Franken putting his hands on a sleeping woman's breasts. Res ipsa loquitur (the thing speaks for itself).

Why do I bother writing all this. It is a warning to my readers to think about what they post on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and any other social site. The internet provides the opportunity to slander people and cost them their jobs, this will not last long, don't be guilty of it.

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