Monday, December 18, 2017

Class Warfare

No links, no cut and pastes, haven't figured out what has been done to my computer by the upgrade yet. Just me yapping.

When I was in junior high, a teacher had us do a mock trial. The trial was against Marie Antoinette. As I recall, I was the only one who offered to be her defense attorney. I figured I would lose because all the kiddies knew she had been killed. I pointed out that she was but a child and had committed no crimes and made no laws. She was married to the king; but, had no influence over what he did. She had been told to marry him by her parents.

The class voted to not kill her. It stunned everyone, including the teacher. Mob mentality is an ugly thing and we are being told to become mobish. The media and the establishment believe the average person is only waiting to be irrational and become a mob. The corporate left pays people to be violent, the corporate right tells people that they are coming for their guns and freedom. Look at the news, they want to incite both sides to irrationality and violence; but, it does not come as expected. Most Americans on the left and right are not violent nor extremists. Most people are not. Most people just want to do their job, take care of their family and relax.

When people really believe that nothing matters anymore, they begin by killing the people they see in control and benefitting from what is going on. True revolutions only happen when the establishment refuses to share during hard times for everyone else. We are not there yet and thankfully so. The mistake the media is making is in trying to get us there. The establishment is pushing for racial, religious, ethnic or any other war; but, if a revolution comes, it will be class warfare. That is just history.

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