Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Mostly Better and More Media Bias

I am happy to report that I am almost completely over the flu. Now, lets get to some of the news.

Huffington Post - Should White Supremecists be Allowed to Practice Law?  The Huff Post's answer is no. Now, if you asked them if Communists should be allowed to practice law, their answer would be yes. The fact is that the constitution protects people even based on their beliefs. Protected classes included religion and creed. Creed is your belief set. It should also be noted that being a white supremacist does not prevent you from becoming a legislator.

Fox - Bias alert: Newsweek mocked for misleading headline about Melania Trump’s decision to remove historic tree. The media cannot stop themselves from making silly attacks against all things Trump. A 200 year old tree that is dead was removed and the media blames Melania Trump. It was a dead tree being held together by wires and a risk to people.

MSN - CBS - Military retirement is about to get a lot more complex. Once again congress will show their true feelings about the military by giving them even less for retirement. We don't even give the same retirement benefits to the military that we give to fire and police.

Yahoo - Donald Trump wants to bring inflation back. Don't look for objectivity from Yahoo. Trump said that the post office should charge more to Amazon for making their deliveries and Yahoo says that is to create inflation. They don't even make an effort to honestly inform their readers.

A Democrats Guide to Russia - PUTIN’S ASYMMETRIC ASSAULT ON DEMOCRACY IN RUSSIA AND EUROPE: IMPLICATIONS FOR U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY.  You may have heard that some Democratic senators put out a paper outlining how Russia is bad. The link is to the actual report on the Senate's website. Of note are page 162 and 197. On page 162 it says, " social media companies should redouble efforts to prevent, detect, and delete such accounts, especially those that are primarily used to promote false news stories." Yes, congress is calling on private industry to prohibit freedom of speech. On page 197 and 198 an attachment to the report explains how propaganda works, oddly enough it outlines exactly the things that we have seen our media has done for the last two years such as misleading titles (see the Yahoo article on how Trump want's inflation). What the report doesn't do is show ANY evidence that Russia hacked the DNC or that President Trump paid them to do it or was involved in any way.

YouTube -CNN is in Lobe with Oprah 2020. So Oprah Winfrey gave a speech at the golden globes and now media types are saying she should be our next president. Wonder why? Well, watch the video, it is claimed that she is a star, has fame and wealth, she is self made and she can perform on television. She is also black and a woman. You see, your elites really think that is enough to get someone elected. They really believe that Trump was elected because you are stupid and easily swayed by fame and money. They cannot accept the fact that the majority of Americans don't like a future with no hope and no jobs and no services. A future where all wealth is held by a few they find to be a good thing. They do not like the working and middle class.

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