Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Would It Have Been Wrong For the Indians to Keep the Europeans Out of the Americas?

So there is this 22 year old girl named Lauren Southern from Canada and she has been permanently kicked out of England. Now, from what I can tell she had all ready been in England and left to go to France and was not allowed to return. She is accused of handing out "racist anti-Islamic" flyers. What did these fliers say, you might ask? Well they said "Allah is gay". She made them in response to an article that said, "Jesus is gay". I want you to see what she is like when she is being interviewed by a Muslim in London two weeks ago.

I should point out that the video is from Ali Dawah's video channel, not hers. Mr. Dawah had tracked her down to have a rational discussion with her and they did. She told him that she had handed out flyers saying Allah is gay and he did not kill her or say that she couldn't do that.

Now, I want to tell you where I think Ms. Southern is coming from. As best I can tell she is concerned that many Muslim immigrants are doing bad things in Europe. Many are; but, not the majority. If you watch the whole video, I think you will see that her biggest issue is the Islamification of Europe. She and many Europeans are worried that there nations will be majority Muslim within 30 or 40 years. They will be. Years ago I wrote about this, how the Europeans are not having children. They are not and don't want to. In Europe it is considered racist to want to keep your national boundaries. In Europe it is considered racist to want to keep out immigrants. In America it is considered racist to want to keep out illegal aliens. Is it racist?

Is culture and philosophy racist? I would be hard pressed to call modern day England racist or modern day France. Both nations have enjoyed hundreds of years of allowing people from all over the world in. There is a thriving Indian community in England and England has even adopted curry as one of the national dishes.

Why do I bring all of this up? Simple reason, I want you to see how she is portrayed in the English and Canadian media. Remember the girl is from Canada. She was detained under anti-Terrorist laws.

Montreal Gazette - Canadian far right activist Lauren Southern barred from Britain for anti-Muslim views.

The Independent - Lauren Southern Far-right Canadian activist detained in Calais and banned from entering UK.

Daily Mail - Journalist "third anti-Muslim barred from Britain.

The issues are freedom of speech (not guaranteed in Europe by the way) and freedom of movement. This is where it gets funny, ex ISIS fighters are free to return to England but not Ms. Southern who has never been charged with a crime. Ms. Southern has not even been charged for hate speech which you can be in England.

Look, I live in an area that is mostly Hispanic, I don't have any problems here. I preached in a Hispanic neighborhood at night, sometimes alone in downtown and never had a problem. I am not afraid to go into any Mexican neighborhood in California. There are Mexican gangs; but, there are no Mexican terrorists. You cannot show me where a Mexican strapped on a bomb and blew up innocent civilians. I am glad that we have Mexican immigrants, I just think we should be able to choose who we let in and refuse to take in criminals. I don't care were immigrants come from. I would keep out Irish criminals and I'm Irish. Europe has a different problem. Should it be a crime to discuss these things? Would I be questioned as a terrorist if I went to England because of this post? I have had this blog for a decade and have never advocated killing people or harming people. Based on what happened to Ms. Southern, I could be stopped and questioned under England terrorist law.

Now, go back and read the title of this post again.

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