Monday, July 23, 2018

Is It Treason to Doubt the CIA?

Just a quick post, some talking points for my readers. If Bush had questioned the idea of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, we would not have gone to war and killed a million people for no reason. There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the intelligence agencies lied. If Johnson had questioned the attack on a navy vessel in the Gulf of Tonkin, we would not have entered the Vietnam war. Turns out, the navy vessel was not attacked. The intelligence agencies lied to him. If Kennedy had questioned the analysis of the intelligence agencies we might have avoided the Bay of Pigs fiasco. They lied to him and told him that the people of Cuba would revolt, they didn't.

Should a president accept without thinking the beliefs of the intelligence agencies or is that treason? Here is a question for you, why didn't the intelligence agencies see 911 coming or the crash of 2007? They study those things you know.

The Mueller team has charged twelve Russian operatives with hacking the DNC. None of them are in America nor will they ever come here to face the charges. The public should see all the evidence against them, wont hurt the case that will never be tried. You will never see the evidence because there is none.

If you view this all as left versus right, you have not paid attention to me over the years. There is no left or right on the important issues, only rich and poor. Russia did not outsource our jobs or eliminate our banking regulations leading to 5 million people losing their homes. Our leaders did that and Trump held no office at the time.

The big issue on the left is whether we can provide social services to the poor. The Democratic party says no, we cannot afford to help the less fortunate. The party is not economically liberal. They fear socialism because they are owned by multinational companies, tech and finance.

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