Sunday, September 2, 2018

Ghostbusters Answer the Call Review

So tonight I watched the all female Ghostbusters movie. When I heard it was being made I thought it was a dumb idea. I think I still feel the same. Having said that, the movie was not terrible. I thought Kate McKinnon was pretty good. She was the stand out character. I thought Kristen Wiig was okay but the character was weak. I was disappointed in Melissa McCarthy and didn't think Leslie Jones gave any real personality to her character. The story had a good premise; but, it went on too long and did not develop the plot well at all. I was disappointed in all the sex jokes and that they made the one male character of any import an idiot who was pretty. I don't find it funny when they make female supporting actors idiots either. The effective dumb blonde women in movies of another time were all playing dumb and were actually smarter then the men around them. Like Judy Holiday in "Born Yesterday".

The best comedies take their plot seriously. I never felt that this new film took its plot seriously. The special effects were not good. The lighting was good. I wouldn't have paid to see it; but, it is worth watching on television. It should have been shorter too. I think the biggest problem was that you didn't care about the characters. They were poorly written. With all I have said, I didn't like the second Ghostbusters movie either. This was just another cheap knockoff relying on the greatness of the original and failing to live up to it.

Here what could have been better. They should have made it smaller, a haunted house mystery like they used to make in the 30s and 40s. They should have really flushed out the characters. Anyways, that is my opinion.

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