Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Climate Change Source Document

There has been a lot of talk the last couple of days about a new United Nations report on "climate change". I had considered ripping the report to shreds page by page for my readers; but, don't see the point. It takes so long to get people to see just how much we are lied to and how perverted science has become by money. Whenever there is money on the table, you cannot trust anyone to do anything other than look out for their economic interests. The only way to be sure is to seek out source documents and verify claims using the scientific method and refusing to accept hearsay or second hand reports. I have consistently provided this blog wish links to source documents for that very reason.

On more than one occasion I have provided links to a document prepared in 1971 for President Nixon. The document was called "Population and the American Future". We warned that overpopulation was the real threat to our future, we were told that by the year 2000 overpopulation would be the death of us all, we were told that immigration and travel should be limited severely. In the end, they told us to expect less in the future. It was part of the great overpopulation scare of the 1970s/ The predictions proved false. Movies and media swamped us with these threats, remember "Soylent Green" or "Z.P.G." or all the other scary movies about what life would be like in 1999? They were all lies and have all been proven to be false. Oh, they dragged out the scientists and influence shapers, liars if you will. I remember.

I can sit here and point out the bullshit all day and you wont get it. Waking up from this dream takes time. I have talked for years about how self driving vehicles would be in our lifetime and have been laughed at. I have been told, "not in our lifetime" so many times. When I told mortgage brokers in 2005 that the marked would crash in in 2007, I was told I couldn't be right and I was. The world is manipulated by a small number of people for their advantage. It has always been that way. We have international monopolies, why wouldn't they try to protect their position?

I have attempted to show you what is going on and debunk the lies. I do not believe that is has been effective. Lets talk about what their proposed solutions are, the future they seek for us. Well, the owners want to have international law. They want to control us, for our benefit of course, on an international scale. They offer poor countries a better life and rich countries are scared of losing everything. Carrot and stick approach.

The TPP and the Paris Accord both attempted to overrule the Constitution. The Trans Pacific Partnership put courts of international law over the decisions of the United States. The Paris Accord did the same if ratified as a treaty. Trump refused to sign both. I do not know what Trump is but I know he has messed up the timeframe of a plan. His refusal to stand by NAFTA is negated by his acceptance of a new agreement, it is still the same three countries following the same rules. It is a new NAFTA; but, it is still NAFTA. I expect that Britain will join that trade agreement. It is possible that New Zealand and Australia will join the same agreement. Nothing I say is going to stop what is coming and I should have known that. My purpose has not been to stop what is coming, it is to get people to question what they do once it has come.

Here is the new bullshit. The United Nations has issued a new report (that disagrees with its previous reports) that claims that if we do not limit Carbon emissions by 2020, we will be forever headed down by 2030 and all will die by 2050. Laughing My Ass Off. We will go along, by 2020 or more likely 2021. Read these documents.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

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