Sunday, October 7, 2018

The thing really pissing me off about Kavanaugh

My sexual history is so pathetic to most people and perfect for me. I have been with one woman in my life and that was my wife. She cheated on me and left me for another man; but, I don't take that as permission to sleep with every women I met. I had women offer me sex many times. I did not take them up on uncommitted relationships. Not a judgement on others, my choice. The love of my life I waited years to go out with, she was a year younger and not allowed to date till she was 16, that meant 12th grade. I knew her since elementary school. I waited. In the end, she turned 16 and asked me out. Our first date ended with me telling her I was moving 3,000 miles away in two days. Not fun. I have never been inappropriate with any woman and none will claim I have been. This blog is 10 years old and I have frequently said I have never had a bad date. I am offended by the media narrative that all men are rapists. It disgusts me to the core. How dare anyone say all men are capable of rape. The love of my life knew better, she knew that I would protect her from men who might act poorly.

The love of my live was named Julia. She died a couple of years ago. I had been married and had not seen her for many years. We were each others first dates and we had waited 6 years to go on our first date because she was not allowed to date sooner. That is not quite true, she was 17 when we first dated. I didn't know when she was allowed to date because I did not know her birthday. I have never stalked a women or waited for them to be 18. Every man is not a rapist, everyman  is not a piece of garbage, every man in s not a sexual predator and it really pisses me off when they say we all are. My mom would not agree, my sister would not agree, my ex mother in law would not agree, my ex wife would not agree and my daughters would not agree. No woman that ever knew me would say I ever sexually acted inappropriately to them.

Julia let everybody know that I would hurt them if they were inappropriate to her. One person was foolish enough to threaten her, I got a bat to discuss the matter with them. Julia made it clear that she did not wish me to address the fellow, she let me know he was joking and young and stupid. Most men seek to protect women, to impress them with our stability and self control.

When Julia stopped me from beating the boy who had threatened her, I told her a story, a true story as far as I know. My grandmothers second husband beat her. His brothers did not like it, they believed men should protect women. A bunch of ginnie wops (Italians), second generation Sicily. They really hurt their brother for hurting my grandmother, they told him that men in their family do not abuse women and that if he ever beat my grandmother again they would kill him and bury him. They showed they cared about morality more than nationality or blood. They showed that they were real men and protected women. Why must I be told all men are sexual abusers? Do you honestly believe that all gay men are secretly rapists? They would have to be if all men are rapists, wouldn't they?

I am offended by being told that being a white man means I am a racist and a rapist. The women that know me would be offended by it. Should I think every woman is an adulterer because my wife was? Should others assume all men are rapists because they have been raped

When I was 16 a women who was also 16 placed herself on my lap during a show I was managing, she rubbed back nd forth until I had an orgasm. She went into the diplomatic corp. She was incredibly conservative and I am a socialist. Should I have reported her to be the first woman to cause me to orgasm while we were minors? Did you ever play doctor when you were a child? When was the first time you saw a nude boy or girl? I don't believe kids should be having sex, I do think they should learn about it, it is natural. We seem to be seeking a place where men cannot express their sexual desires. Should I not be able to tell a woman I find her attractive? Is it sexist for men to find women attractive?

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