Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Why Trump Will Be Re-Elected.

In January of 1989 George Bush Sr became president. In April of that year the Chinese killed their own people in Tiananmen square. The United States increased jobs being outsourced there. In 1993, Bill Clinton became president. Bill signed the law that made it easier to outsource to China upon getting in office and then worked to get Nafta. Let us not forget 1996 and the Chinagate scandal. That was when China sent money to the DNC under Clinton. The Bushes and the Clintons created the Rust Belt, not Trump, not blacks, not Jews, not Muslims, not Jesuits, not gays or Neo-Nazis. The Midwest waited patiently and voted for Obama rejecting Hillary in the primaries, they knew what her husband had done. Obama promised a better future, HOPE was his slogan and they did. NOPE was his answer once he got in office and a Democratic congress. He didn't get them universal healthcare, he got them the Republican Romneycare, which they could not afford on $8 an hour and taxed them for NOT buying insurance. What did Hillary offer them in 2015? She didn't even visit Wisconsin and called them deplorables who were afraid of change. In 40 years what changes have helped them and what promises were made and not fulfilled?

What can they say now to these people? They can say they will strengthen the power of unions; but, that is meaningless when the jobs have already been outsourced. They can promise them a free college education, it means little to a 35 year old working 2 jobs just to survive. What is the Democratic platform. Trump bad, illegal immigrants without high school educations good, transgender bathrooms should be mandatory, people in the Midwest are lazy, xenophobes, homophobes, racists, anti-semites, was what they were told. The same people that destroyed the rust belt told them that manufacturing will not come back and that it's all their fault.

When the working class started the Tea Party the were told the same thing. So they elected Trump who said he would stop illegal immigration and bring back jobs. For the first time in a long time they have any improvement rather than just more downhill sliding. They are not impressed when you tell them Trump is a liar, they have been lied to by Democrats for 40 years.

The real reason that the Democratic party wants to eliminate the Electoral College is so that they don't have to listen the people whose lives they have destroyed in the Midwest and can just listen to the people who have benefitted from gutting this nation and their lives. Why didn't they vote for Jeb Bush, because the Bushes sent their kids to war and further outsourced jobs.

After the housing crash two new groups emerged, the Tea Party and the Occupy movement and both were anti-globalist and anti-establishment. The Tea Party believed the system could work to their advantage if they insisted their politicians work for them. They were allowed into the Republican party and co-opted out of existence. The Occupy movement was violently removed and splintered into groups which were directed to focus on social issues like gay marriage. I wrote about this at the time and said what would happen. I said that these people were still upset and would seek a President who would do something for them. They got President Obama and he only made things worse for them. Trump came along and said "F the establishment, we going to keep out illegals and bring back manufacturing.

If you think Trump won in a large victory, he did. One of his first actions was to try and keep out immigrants from the middle east. That is not surprising, its the people in the Midwest and south who are most likely to join the military and have fought in those countries only to return home to no jobs.

Whether you know it or not, the people who work for the establishment know it. The think tanks know it. People like me who did contingency planning know it. Trump has screwed up a timeline, a timeline that has been agreed to in private by powerful people. That is why they have called for his impeachment prior to his even getting in office. The media wants to say this is a cultural divide, it is not, it is an economic one.

After the death of the tea party and occupy, I said what would happen. I said they would elect someone on the left or right who would be more extreme, we got a Socialist and Trump. Bernie let himself be cheated and didn't complain. If he runs again he will be completely crushed for that reason. Hillary would flame out in the first couple of primaries even quicker than Sanders. I also said that if that person were kept from office or removed, people will get violent. The establishment expects it. They thought it might come sooner, they thought Hillary or Jeb would win, they openly cheated and stopped Bernie. Trump proved you could beat the establishment on the right and left. Even a Roosevelt Progressive socialist like me can see that.

Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party. I wrote that in 2011.

Trump will get more votes in the Black and Hispanic communities in 2020.

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