Monday, November 12, 2018

Democrats to Protect the Richest Man in the World

Fox - Dems to probe Trump's treatment of CNN, Amazon, Washington Post in triple-threaded abuse-of-power inquiries.

Adam Schiff the congressman from California and soon to be new chair of the House Intelligence Committee has declared that the Democrats plan on investigating Trump for saying that Amazon is subsidized by the postal service. Well, they are given preferred pricing. It is a valid complaint except for the fact that the post office is self funding and does not rely on any taxes. The second part of the investigation is into the administrations use of anti-trust policies in their review of the AT&T - Time Warner merger and is just to hurt CNN. Six companies own 90% of all the media in the United States whereas there used to be 2000 companies. That my friends is market consolidation and that should be something Democrats should be against.

So one of the first acts of the Democratic house will be to protect Amazon and Time Warner. Great to know they are looking out for the little guy. Nope, the Democratic establishment is protecting the billionaire class. This is exactly why the Democratic party is going to lose the progressives. Once again I did not vote; but, for Democrats that did, was it so your representatives could protect Bezos? Who owns the Democratic party? Big Tech and Finance. The Democrats should be calling for the reinstatement of Glass-Stiegel; but they are not. They should be working on Universal healthcare; but, they wont. They should be looking into anti-trust violations; but, instead they will protect the monopolies. Did a single Democrat income inequality during the election? Shouldn't they all have?

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