Sunday, February 24, 2019

Bill Maher is a Douche

Recently Bill Maher talked about how uneducated and unsuccessful people in middle America are. He derided them for being from the Midwest in the same way Hillary Clinton said she won in all the places that mattered and made the most money.

Fox - Bill Maher mocks Middle America as "less affluent and educated" saying, "they want to be us".

These elitist, self aggrandizing swine don't seem to have a clue what it takes to work on an oil rig in Texas or a farm in Ohio or a ranch in Oklahoma. I grew up in the big city and went to college in Boston. I also know that life on a farm or a ranch is a 24 hour a day job, that the elitists couldn't and wouldn't do. Thanks to all the family farmers and ranchers for our FOOD.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Race Baiting Media and John Wayne

40 years ago John Wayne died. 48 years ago Wayne gave an interview with Playboy where he basically said gays were perverts and blacks were not smart enough to have management positions. With the Jussie Smollett story falling apart, the media is bringing up the "unearthed" interview Wayne gave in 1971 as proof of American racism.

US - John Wayne's racist and homophobic 1971 Playboy interview Resurfaces

Sorry kids, Wayne was a racist and... Why not bring up unearthed quotes from George Wallace or other long dead people who supported segregation? Does anyone believe this country hasn't changed at all? There are more interracial couples now in this country than at anytime in our history and by the way Smollett's parents are interracial, his father is white.

While this is going on the "liberal" media is also attacking Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard and Elizabeth Warren. The media is not liberal, it is pro establishment. The Democratic party does not want to discuss the economy or helping the working and middle class so they push racism. This is what we will see up until the 2020 election and you will see it weekly.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Jussie Smollett and I Love Lucy

Most actors and actresses I have known are not to bright, they are all about image, its their job on a level. One of my sister in laws was an actress. I remember attending a party with her where she said things that directly contradicted what she said in private to the family members. The party was with other actors and actresses. I came to the conclusion that her opinions were like clothing to her, she wore whatever fit the situation. I think most people do that.

When speaking in public one must always ask who their audience is. Mr. Smollett told a story in public, who was he speaking to. I don't think conservatives were his intended audience. Did he think he was speaking to all blacks, or all gays or even all liberals? I don't think so and certainly not after day one, most blacks and gays distrusted him from the get go. His audience was the establishment on the east and west coast, not even Chicago. Almost no blacks in Chicago believed this guy from day one. Chicago voted for Hillary by like 85%, it aint Maga Country.

Jussie is from the best places in Southern California and came from money. This man grew up in Malibu, not the hood. LOL. This kid is part of the 1%. I was going to link to Wikipedia; but, they have changed his profile in the last two days. He lived in Santa Rosa, Calabasas and Malibu, it used to say that and doesn't now. How funny. Books don't change, Wikipedia does.

When I first reported on this case I clearly stated the story was questionable; but, that we should wait a few days for things to become clearer. I specifically called out the media for lazy and inconsistent reporting. Well things have clarified and it is not looking good for Jussie. What now seems most likely is that Jussie hired two people he knew to fake the attack.

I don't think Jussie ever intended this to become as big as it did. It is the I Love Lucy show, he started with a little lie and it blew up forcing him to lie more and more to hide his original lie. A week before the "attack" Jussie received a letter at the studio saying MAGA and that he should die. That letter was a hoax. How do we know this, the police retrieved the magazine from the home of the two guys that was used to make the letter. Now Jussie is refusing to come in to the police to answer questions and has hired a firm that deals with Public Relations crisis. Remember this though, Jussie did not want to file a police report and has not sought charges against the two brothers he says attacked him. Jussie and his people would probably like to cut a deal with the two brothers, money for saying they did it of their own accord; but, the cops are hiding the guys until after the grand jury has Jussie testify.

For their part, the media is attempting to undo their past. They are saying it is all Jussie's fault, they threw him under the bus so fast and are now saying people who are true victims will be disbelieved while still saying believe all victims, pick one. This is the same media that uncritically believes every anti-Trump rumor as soon as it is said. This is the same media that reports as fact Trump-Russia collusion with zero evidence. The media is no longer reporters, they have become nothing more than gossip columnists with a political agenda.

I want to talk about Jussie's back ground to offer a possible explanation for his actions. Jussie's father is white and his mother is black. He grew up in the affluent beach community of Santa Rosa then moved to the affluent community of Calabasas and then moved to the very wealthy community of Malibu. By age 10 he was already acting in movies.. This is a wealthy kid who grew up spoiled and in the media. This guy has never experienced racism in his life, he has benefitted from Hollywood. A few years ago he decided to get political and began attending black rallies and hanging out with black activists; but, he has zero street cred. The truth is I have more credibility in the black community than this guy does because I worked with black community groups and created jobs for people in south central.

Many people think Jussie did this to vilify Trump supporters because he does hate Trump. Some people believe this was just a publicity stunt that got out of control. I think he did it to be accepted in the black community as genuine. What aspect of his story did he push in his interview on television and at his concert, he talked about how he fought back, how he was strong and how he couldn't be kept down. Jussie's dad is white; but, Jussie identifies as black. He desperately wants to be accepted by the black community and isn't because he grew up wealthy and privileged. This hoax was a cry for help, I believe he wants to be accepted by a group rather than for himself. He wanted to be accepted by the black community and his wealth privilege gets in the way. He has nothing in common with the average person be they white, black or gay. He grew up wealthy and privileged, a child actor. He has almost nothing in common with the average person. I do not excuse his actions, I am merely attempting to understand his reasons.

The black community is turning on him, the gay community is turning on him, the media is turning on him and conservatives are laughing at him. The guy is a idiot that made a dick move that he will pay for. The smart move would be to come clean; but, like Lucy he has travelled too far down the road. If he had real courage, he would cop to the fact that he lied; but, that is tough road to hoe. He is now surrounded by people telling him how to spin it and the lies will bury him. Too bad, only he can stop it before it ends as it will.

God gives us grace and thankfully so, we all need it. God says we should forgive others; but, it usually requires repentance and not spin. I think Jussie's fear and all those around him telling him how to spin and lie better will get in the way of his owning up to what he did and committing himself to change.

Monday, February 18, 2019

How the west works

A very long time ago I was given a book called, "The Rich and the Super-Rich", by Ferdinand Lundberg. It basically showed how America was a banana republic run by a few hundred people through family trusts. I was 12 and the person who gave me the book was a very important Hollywood producer. The words of that book are living today.

As my readers know I did not vote for Trump; but would and will never vote for a Clinton or Bush. While I would have preferred Bernie Sanders at the time, he has proven to be useless and has allowed himself to be used by the Democratic party under his mistaken belief that he will change them. He won't. Trump has caused the establishment to be fearful because what truly scares them is people being able to change the direction of government through who they elect. The wealthy hate democracy.

You might like to believe that Rosenstein and McCabe hate Trump because he is just unpleasant or has bad ideas; but, the reality is that they represent an establishment fearful of loosing influence to the public, the great unwashed masses. These people do not believe in democracy, they believe that they are your superiors and know what is best for you.

Mr. McCabe states in the interview video that he and a group of unelected officials within the government discussed having Trump removed from office almost immediately after Trump was sworn in. Does that scare you? It should. He tries to say that he was fearful Trump might be working with the Russians. Based on what evidence, he knew the Steele dossier was opposition research and paid for by Hillary Clinton and he couldn't prove any of it and cant now. They discussed using rumors to remove a sitting president. Think about that. McCabe to this day offers NO proof that Trump worked with the Russian government or was involved in the Wikileaks release of documents from the DNC, yet he was involved in discussions of removing the president with NO evidence.

Let me simplify all of this. The heads of the FBI authorized investigations of the Trump campaign DURING the campaign and then immediately discussed trying to get the President removed BEFORE the Mueller investigation even began and with NO evidence. Consider this fact, McCabe states that he handed over EVERYTHING he had to Robert Mueller and the reality is, Mueller still has nothing. That proves McCabe had nothing.

This is not about a wall, people of all parties have called for that for decades. This is not about homophobia, Clinton was against gay marriage. This is not about Muslims, Obama picked the countries that have decreased immigration in the middle east. This is not about racism, Hillary called black kids super predators. This is about power and globalism, sovereignty and international oligarchy.

How many bankers went to jail for crashing our economy? How many bankers went to jail for fixing the markets? How many people went to jail for the housing crash that they caused? Who got bailed out and who didn't? How many millions lost their homes? I made about the same amount as the FBI director per year; but, I did not retire with millions like Comey did. In fact, I live in a mobile home park. Divorce is expensive and sometimes, it is worth it.

I cannot say that I support Trump. I can say I support protecting our borders. I can say I am against the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). I can say I am against globalism and the loss of democracy. I am for universal healthcare I am for corporations and trusts paying the same in taxes as people. If companies wish to be treated as individuals, tax them as such. Anytime a company becomes a monopoly, I would nationalize it. The purpose behind capitalism is to have competition so that innovation occurs and prices are competitive.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Lets talk fraternal organizations, fraternities and secret societies

Most people have heard of the Masons, many know about the Knights of Columbus. Just about everybody knows there are fraternities and sororities in colleges. What most people, including the members, do not understand is that they are all connected. I have been inside of the library of the Rosicrucian's and looked through their documents. I have also researched secret societies for decades. I will give one example for the moment, Justice Antonin Scalia died while at a hunting lodge, he was a member of a group called "International Order of Saint Hubertus" and I bet you never even heard of them. The American branch was started in 1966 at the Bohemian Club, the people that own the Bohemian Grove. The organization itself was started in 1695.

Lets talk about sports, you do understand that there are fraternities which seek to mainly recruit sports people. Skull and Bones seeks to recruit people who might go into government or intelligence services. You name it and there is a fraternity aimed at the field of endeavor. All of these organizations have almost identical rituals. The imagery may be Greek or Egyptian or Roman; but, the lesson is always the same and the structures are almost identical.

The most famous Satanist was Aleister Crowley, he was a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, an occult organization. He was also a Mason and was the head of the Ordo Templi Orientis, an occultist group with a Masonic beginning.

There are even organizations dedicated to the leaders in the working class. These organizations are basically collections of people similar interests; but, at the top they share information with the same people. It is about information gathering in the end. Why do I mention this? There are a lot of people in the entertainment industry that belong to an organization they believe to be the "Illuminati", its just a name. The purpose of all these organizations is to get people to believe they are insiders, that they have special knowledge and in fact are special themselves, they are dupes.

Little known fact, even by Masons, the head of the Freemasonry is the head of the United Grand Lodge of England, that is the Duke of Kent. Oddly enough the head of the Church of England is the monarch of England. Most people don't know that the man who created Skull and Bones was a Mason. The point is all these organizations are connected and the people in them don't know it.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Jussie Smollett Last Word

It is now pretty clear to just about everyone that Jussie Smollett lied. Two questions remain, why and why didn't he want to report the crime? It has been reported that someone claims he had been to a gay club, hit up on someone's boyfriend and got smacked in the face. Okay. He then heads home, where a man who works with him is there at 2 in the morning. Bars usually let out at 1 o'clock in most places. He stopped at Subway on the way home and somewhere between Subway and his home calls the man in his apartment to say he is being attacked. He gets home with a clothesline around his neck and the cops are not called for 45 minutes. What was the conversation that was going on between the man in the apartment and him, more importantly, were they in a sexual relationship. One thing I know about gays, and I preached at a gay church, is that they are very promiscuous. What we do know is that he asked the police to shut off their body cameras and didn't want to make a report. That means the story was meant for the guy waiting in his apartment not the police and his friend pushed him to report it, maybe he didn't buy it either.

Lets say you are a guy at a conference in Vegas, you get a hooker and get robbed by her or her pimp. What would you tell your wife? Would you claim it was a street mugging? Remember Jussie grew up in Malibu, not the Midwest. Jussie believes all people in the Midwest are right wing bigots, he is a Trump hater and friends with Maxine Waters. Who believed the story, not people in Chicago, I have read and watched what they believe. West Hollywood is loaded with gays, makes up the majority of the city. The area of Chicago Jussie has an apartment in (because he films his show there, he lives in Los Angeles) is heavily gay and black. Imagine two random white Trump supporters going to West Hollywood to beat up a gay guy at two in the morning. I don't think so. Imagine two random right wingers going to Watts to beat a black guy, again, I don't think so.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Your Government

A very interesting video.