Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Race Baiting Media and John Wayne

40 years ago John Wayne died. 48 years ago Wayne gave an interview with Playboy where he basically said gays were perverts and blacks were not smart enough to have management positions. With the Jussie Smollett story falling apart, the media is bringing up the "unearthed" interview Wayne gave in 1971 as proof of American racism.

US - John Wayne's racist and homophobic 1971 Playboy interview Resurfaces

Sorry kids, Wayne was a racist and... Why not bring up unearthed quotes from George Wallace or other long dead people who supported segregation? Does anyone believe this country hasn't changed at all? There are more interracial couples now in this country than at anytime in our history and by the way Smollett's parents are interracial, his father is white.

While this is going on the "liberal" media is also attacking Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard and Elizabeth Warren. The media is not liberal, it is pro establishment. The Democratic party does not want to discuss the economy or helping the working and middle class so they push racism. This is what we will see up until the 2020 election and you will see it weekly.

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