Friday, March 1, 2019

Pimpernel Comes Clean

A couple of months back something happened to me. I believe I experienced what is called a Transient ischemic attack or TIA. It is a type of mini-stroke. I knew it was a possibility when I stopped taking my medication. In and of itself it was not a big deal. The one lasting effect seems to be that it is harder for me to remember certain minutia and quickly recall some names in the news. I cared for my father after he suffered a series of them, so I kind of know how they can progress. As a consequence, I am preparing to move closer to family. I am back on my meds and have begun making changes so that I can adjust to a possible new reality. I have survived two heart attacks, unbelievable bad blood pressure and a mini-stroke. I guess God is not quire done with me yet.

This post is not about me or my challenges. I will be quite fine and will have what I need. As long as I can I will continue with this blog. The reality is everyone dies and I will too someday. I could put a dead man switch on this blog so that it disappears when I do; but, I made a promise. I promised I would not destroy this blog as long as people still viewed it to see it to find out about Pastor Carol Daniels and they still do.

I hereby freely request that someone in Pastor Daniels copy every post I have made regarding her and every comment made about those posts. They are free to post them on their own blog in case this one ever is deleted for non-use or any other reason. I may get lucky and not suffer another TIA but there is a 1/3rd chance that I will suffer a major stroke. It is certainly a possibility that I will suffer another heart attack. One of my favorite poems is by Robert Frost, it is called Fire and Ice.

"Some say the world will end in fire
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
is also great
and would suffice."

I do not believe my death is imminent; but, I believe in preparing for things. Now is as good a time as any to give my permission to Pastor Carol Daniels family to copy and reproduce anything I have written about Pastor Daniels should they find it useful in any manner as they may see fit. It is not plagiarism if you have permission. Lets be honest, this blog has never been monetized. If her family chooses to copy everything I wrote, wont cost me a penny. If they were to use my words and receive compensation for my words, I would ask them to give the proceeds to a food bank. Now I am going to have a glass of wine.

1 comment:

sizzlingcell said...

Love you Brother, I will pray for your health!