Wednesday, March 6, 2019

The Reason the Establishment Wants to Impeach Trump is Globalism

Representative Jerry Nadler went on ABC and said the House of Representatives is going to investigate every aspect of Donald Trump's life and everyone associated with him for any possible crimes. There is no presumption of innocence, there is not even probable cause for such an investigation and Nadler knows it as does the public at large. So what is the purpose of the investigations, Mr. Nadler told us"

"We have to – we have to do the investigations and get all this. We do not now have the evidence all sorted out and everything to do – to do an impeachment. Before you impeach somebody, you have to persuade the American public that it ought to happen. You have to persuade enough of the – of the opposition party voters, Trump voters, that you’re not just trying to …" steal the last election was what he said.

This is an investigation in search of an excuse, an excuse to overturn a valid election. So why such panic and extremism? Why are people such as Maxine Waters saying that they don't need to find a crime as impeachment is a political process? Because this is not about a crime and is about politics; but, it is not left versus right or Democrat versus Republican, it is about globalism versus nationalism and the media in this country won't tell you that.

How many people in congress have cheated on their spouses? Really think congress people give a damn about sexist or adultery? If you listen to the media narrative, Trump wanted to build a hotel in Russia and the Russians hacked the DNC to help him get elected; but, didn't give him the hotel. Trump has no hotels in Russia. If Putin would hack the DNC for Trump, why didn't he give him the hotel? What would Trump get for the hotel in revenue? Not the 600 million he spent on his own campaign.

Ask yourself, why did Trump run for office? Did the Russians make him do it? If he was compromised, why should he run? He doesn't need the money, he could never work and die rich and comfortable. Better yet, why did he fight so hard to win against all predictions? To lose? Michael Cohen said Trump didn't expect or want to win, why didn't he just stop going to rally's in the Midwest? If Trump didn't want to win, why didn't he spend the last weeks trying to get votes in New York and California where he could never win and instead travelled to places that Hillary did not in the Midwest?

Here is what the elites are hoping will work. They are going to attack his family and friends in the media and in congress. They will impeach first and lose badly. When that fails, they will attempt to prosecute his kids, that will fail too. The intent is to get him not to run for re-election and that will fail and he will win re-election big time.

Mahatma Gandhi said, "First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win." In many ways, Trump is a mirror that causes us to expose and see how this nation is run. He is rubber and the establishment is glue, what they accuse him of bounces off of him and sticks to his accusers.

Here is what we do know, many politicians that changed the laws and allowed the housing crisis and the stock market crash hate Trump, he was not involved in either of those things. My blog speaks for itself, try reading my posts from the time of the Occupy Movement and through the election. I have made it quite clear I am socialist. I have laid out my political positions and if you follow the tags for "The Big Picture", I have made it clear what my perspective is on how this country is run. The FBI knows I am not a Russian, a background check of me was done by the FBI and the Oklahoma Bureau of Investigation because of my Pastor Daniels posts. ROFL. Heck, I gave them permission to investigate me when I became one of the most viewed sources for information on her.

Trump is a problem for people because they don't want to admit their failures to this country. The elites don't wish to admit that they screwed the Midwest. The political parties don't wish to admit they sold us out for money and personal gain. Globalism is funded by taking money from the working class and middle class and transferring it to other nations. If 90% of the money coming into the United States in the last ten years went to the 1%, shouldn't they be the ones to pay 90% of the money going to the third world to reduce poverty rather than the working and middle class? Shouldn't some of that money go to rebuilding our country?

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