Thursday, April 25, 2019

Pastor Carol Daniels YouTube Video

I noticed an increase in hits on Pastor Daniels posts and found this recent YouTube video.

Just to be clear, I had nothing to do with the above video. They clearly used my site and Websleuths for research material and I am totally good with that. Their podcast was respectful of the Daniels family and I believe they gave a fairly good summary with only a couple of mistakes. They are one of the few commentators who mentioned that Pastor Daniels mother asked about what happened to her purse and briefcase. Now here is a question, why did Pastor Daniels bring a briefcase, if in fact she did? I was in business and an executive for decades, yet, never carried a briefcase. When I was a preacher, I never carried anything with me. IF the briefcase is important it might be worth asking what she kept in it, I doubt it was jewelry; but, may have been notes about the town or people she dealt with. Just a thought, the police should have asked her family what she kept in the briefcase; but, apparently didn't. I myself left that little tidbit out, intentionally. I actually only ever read it once.

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