Friday, November 22, 2019

Final Impeachment Inquiry Hearing

Thursday was pitiful. We have seen a Democratic house of congress embarrass themselves and this nation. When I used to negotiate contracts, it was my job to walk into a room and immediately know who and what I was dealing with, I was very good at it. As a stage manager it was my job to know an audience and read what would work better with them and I was very good at it. If you watch the final words by Adam Schiff, he was frustrated and desperate. He knows he has lost. He has lost more than the impeachment, he has lost his status with the Democratic party, he is the guy that messed up the Trump impeachment.

In politics and entertainment, losers are shunned. Nobody wants it to rub off on them. Mr. Schiff is done in his party. He has twice promised the world to people who hate Trump and delivered nothing. The party will not admit that Trump did nothing wrong anymore than they will admit that Trump is not a Russian asset, they will blame Schiff for not proving it.

My prediction, congress is going into recess, when they return they will do nothing about impeachment and will pivot to the new North American trade agreement. Schiff will be left to make his report to the full house and it will be mentioned and ignored. The Democrats in the House will not have a vote on articles of impeachment based on these hearings and will blame it on the Senate saying that the Senate would not act on it if they did. Put a fork in it, this meal is done.

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