Thursday, December 5, 2019

Purpose of Impeachment

The history of the presidency is important to understand when looking at the purpose of impeachment. Unfortunately, this history was not raised in the Judiciary committee. To begin with George Washington was NOT our first President, most people don't know that.

Our first constitution was called the Articles of Confederation and went into effect in 1781 and lasted until 1789. Under it the President of the United States in Congress Assembled. The office was under the direct control of congress more like a Prime Minister. In the 8 years under the Articles of Confederation they had 10 different Presidents.

The founding fathers decided to create a true executive and upon creating the constitution that we now have they created the independent office of the President. Where the prior position faced votes of no confidence and could be removed based on policy differences, new Presidents could not and could only be removed for "treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors".

In the case of Trump he is not accused of treason, taking a bribe or any crime. While some have argued that the President can be removed for any reason that is simply not what the constitution said and is not what the constitution intended. FYI, the first President under the Articles of Confederation was Samuel Huntington who held the position for about 5 months.

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