Friday, May 15, 2020

The New World Order in not what you think.

You hear a lot of people talk about the New World Order being the UN or a government. It is not, it is a collection of corporations working in concert. Countries that control their oil, that have nationalized their oil are the enemies of these corporations and get invaded. In 1950 Iran voted to nationalize it's oil and the CIA formulated a coup to remove their government by 1953. We attacked Libya a few years ago because they owned their oil. We want to destroy Venezuela because they nationalized their oil. We invaded Iraq because they controlled their oil.

We are currently seeing the consolidation of industries into global monopolies. Look around you. The world is on lockdown, the world. It is estimated that 40% of small businesses will go bankrupt. All of that market share will go to the giant corporations. Why don't you hear these global corporations complaining about the lockdown? Because they know in the long run they will only be bigger. The lockdown is not about the coronavirus, it is abut corporate consolidation.

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