Sunday, June 28, 2020

The Big Picture 2

For over 10 years I have been posting this blog. This is in fact the third iteration of the blog. During all these years I have been pointing out what is coming and turns out I was right on many things. Some have come to figure out that I was right. Don't expect me to celebrate that, I wish I had been wrong.

This blog began by discussing spirituality and religion almost exclusively. Did that for a couple of years, made my points and deleted the whole thing. The second iteration was random, I did it because people asked me to. Then I deleted it. This iteration has mainly been about technology and politics and the news. My most read post was about Pastor Carol Daniels. I never met her, had not heard of her prior to her death and posted it because I thought the case should be looked at. The only reason this blog is still around is because people used it for a source of information about her. I was going to kill this blog for good and just walk away. It has never been monetized and never will be, not by me.

This blog has morphed into exposing the garbage we are fed by the media. Blogs are dying, videos are the new force to be reckoned with. I don't do videos. I get about 20,000 hits a year. That is nothing. I am almost at 200,000 hits total, that is nothing when a single video can get that in a couple of days.

So where are we at and where am I at. Well, bad has just begun. The same people that funded the housing crisis and the market crash and now funding protests and riots. LOL. Think about that. They wish to destroy national sovereignty and elevate international monopolies to control all governments. It is not socialism, it is not fascism, it is corporatism. Here is the thing, it will not be stopped.

Welcome to the end times. While the corporatists think they are running the show, they are still just pawns. In the end, a international totalitarian regime will end them and absorb them. Wanna bet me? Corporations cannot stand up to mob rule, look around you. Look at how quickly corporations fold to mob rule and then fund the mob in hopes they will be spared. Mobs spare nobody.

There is a line in the bible. It says in the end times all will be fooled, even the elect (if that were possible). You do not understand this game, you don't even know who your opponents are because all seems to be against everyone else.

The point of current times is to wear you down and they will. In 2007 I was asked to meet with a group of mortgage brokers, I did. I told them the housing market would crash and we would all get screwed. I explained why. They offered me a job and said I must be wrong though they agreed with all my analysis. They said the market couldn't crash because too many people were making money from it. Prior I had told people the stock market was over priced and would fail and was attacked by some who said I was being negative and would be responsible for a crash. Really? I had no platform. Sheep believe they are to be attacked by the wolves, they don't understand their real threat is from the bad Shepherds.

I do not call for a revolution. I don't think you could win it. A spiritual war is won by love and there is a price, destruction. Bring it on. This blog began as a spiritual one, it might go back to that.

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