Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Peaceful protestors? Not anymore, accomplices to murder.

 Lets be honest. Righteous and peaceful protests about the murder of George Floyd ended long ago. The cops involved are being prosecuted. These protests are not about justice or seeing cops prosecuted, they are not protests, they are opportunistic events for other reasons. Those who commit no crimes; but, provide cover for criminals are accessories to the arson and criminality that occurs. Those who claim to be decent and not involved; but, go out at night to view and enjoy the anarchy are as guilty as those who actually commit the criminal acts. If you are offended by indiscriminate crime, don't go into the areas where these things are happening and it will end quickly. You are useful idiots. We are told that only a small percent of those involved in these protests are actually violent, so stop providing them cover and lets see how few there are.

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