Monday, December 28, 2020

Christmas has come and gone, I can speak again.

 If you think 2020 was bad, wait for what comes. There will be a difference, your economics will improve and your lockdown will increase. Less freedom and more economic benefit. 30% of people stopped paying their rent or mortgages, you will not be kicked out by that amount if you accept your extended unemployment checks and benefit checks.

Do you remember the crash of 2008? Three years passed before people got kicked out of their houses.

Let me ask a simple question. If you kick out 30 million people from their apartments and homes, you do you replace them with when 40 percent of Americans have no money or jobs? The government will give these people 40% or so to pay their back rent and you will take it rather than get nothing and lose all that rent while getting someone new who will not pay their back rent. You will sell your apartment or second home to get even with your debt, welcome to serfdom, where you own nothing and rent everything.

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