Thursday, January 21, 2021

Q Anon Questions

 About a year ago people I know started asking me what I knew about Q. I told them the truth, I had heard of it but had no opinion. My regular readers know I have never posted anything about it before today. I decided to look into it and get back to the people who had asked me about it. 

I began reading the Q posts; but, not on reddit and didn't follow what Q followers had to say. I also began reading "news" articles about Q. I found the Q posts to be vague and overblown. I don't like vague. I like facts and documentations to back up claims. When I began hearing about "the great reset", I didn't make guesses, I provided links to the World Economic Forum and the International Monetary Fund's own websites regarding the matter. As for the mainstream articles about Q, I found them to be alarmist and dishonest. The media would take claims by Q followers and blamed them on the Q posts without showing the specific posts because they were not based on Q posts.

After the 2020 Presidential election I noticed the Q posts were saying Biden would never get in office and that their grand plan was going to work to keep Trump in office. Neither of those things happened. I have said more than once that I am not a big fan of Alex Jones; but, at least he provides documentation, he just over hypes it. As for Biden, I don't like him and think he is globalist scum.

When "pizzagate" happened I told conservatives to ignore it unless actual facts were provided. There most definitely are pedophile rings and some operate in Washington D.C., that has been documented and proven. Heck, Barney Frank's "roommate" was caught running a prostitution ring out of Frank's house in D.C. 

So shy do I mention these things? If people allow themselves to drawn into these things then when they are discredited they have a tendency to throw the baby out with the bath water. There are people in the government and big business that want worldwide monopolies and corporate control over governments. That is a fact and I can document it with their own words. I don't need Q or anyone else to point that out to me. The best way to avoid propaganda and misinformation is to investigate and research for yourself going back to source documentation.

We are entering a time when our government plans on creating a "Ministry of Truth", when you are provided with the governments "perspective" or "analysis" then know you are being lied to unless they back it up with documentation showing exactly what people said. People need discernment not emotion to understand the times that are beginning. Be patient, thoughtful and investigate. Be well.

1 comment:

sizzlingcell said...

Hope all is well, looking forward to more posts?