Thursday, July 15, 2021

An hour of your time

For over a decade I have tried to point out on this blog, what is really going on. Where the power is and what it wants. People see small glimpses of how the world is acting be it transvestite reading hour in schools or open borders or Antifa. These things seem unconnected and people try and find the patter; but, always get trapped in the obvious and assume it is the fault of whoever they believe is responsible for the attacks they feel around them. Blame the blacks, the jews, Muslims, gays, Nazis, Libtards, Right Wingers, the boomers, gen Z, pick a villian. Not one of those groups could have shut down the whole world as has been done the last two years. Not one of those groups could have caused the financial crisis worldwide or even the housing crisis.

The only group that can control the world, is the group that "owns" the world. We shall call them the global elite. Their method for controlling the world is by controlling who hates who, divide and conquer has always been their method. They promise the "best and brightest" and offer anyone who can be useful as a "influencer" cookies and money and fame. They offer them respect in exchange for impacting the illusion that you matter. Take one hour and watch this video, it gives a very good explanation of who is in charge and what they really want. They want money.

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