Thursday, July 1, 2021

The Great Reset has already happened, you are living in the new normal.

Can you see it now? Can you see how the world has been totally changed in just two years? Not just America, the world. The last great resistance to this change was the American Middle Class and they are now accused of being racists and white nationalists if they don't like the changes.

So, what are the real, fundamental changes? Well, you can now be imprisoned without charges for dissent. You can now be censored with the governments consent. You can be denied a banking account if you engage in activities (like owning a gun) that the government does not like. The government and big tech are actively calling on people to report on their neighbors as are their children. Hedge funds and wall street investors are buying up all new housing with an intent to make the majority of us renters for life. "You will own nothing and you will like it" according to the world economic forum.

You are told that this is all necessary because of Covid and "radicalization" of average Americans. You are told that it is the Jews, the Muslims, the gays, straight white males, Antifa, BLM, neo-Nazis, the Klan, liberals, conservatives, communists, fascists, boomers, millennials, populists, the schoolteachers, cow farts ...  Yet, it is global corporations that have created this Ayn Rand dystopia we now live in and have paid for and promoted the riots last year and the destruction of faith in all governmental organizations. Many states have outlawed going to church and legalized the burning down of small businesses. Do you wonder why police and the military are being purged of people who believe in the Constitution? Do you wonder why the western world is intentionally destroying it's currencies? Welcome to the new world.

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