Thursday, October 28, 2021

Pastor Carol Daniels and Google. I is deplatformed on google.

Recently someone asked me for the name of my blog and I told them. |The truth is inside you blogspot. It has never changed. For a decade if you searched for Pastor Carol Daniels, I was always one of the first returns. Hmmm. If search on Bing, Yahoo or Duck Duck Go, searching either for "The truth is inside you" or "Pastor Carol Daniels" and I an the site you will find. Search either on Google and I have disappeared. I don't write about crime usually, I do not allow profanity on this blog, in a decade it has never been monitized and have never received a strike or a complaint to blogger.

I was destroy this blog for the third and final time a few years back. I thought I had nothing left to say. The only reason I left it up was because it was a place for people to see all the articles on the Pastor. Members of her family reached out to me and it broke my brain. They wanted to thank me. I was not trying to solve a crime, I don't do crime posts, just look at what I do write about. Her death effected me because of her commitment and the bad police work. I thought her story deserved to be told, so I told it. If you use Google searches you will no longer find my ten years worth of posts or updates about Pastor Daniels. It is not because of my posts about her, it is because of my political posts.

I dare you. Search on Bing, Yahoo and DuckDuckGo for for "Pastor Carol Daniels" or "The truth is inside you blogspot" and this blog will come up number one or two. Now do it on Google. Try it out and then understand that Google censors search results and apparently, this blog dont count. You are being controlled and the information you receive is being manipulated by Google. Dont use them for your searches.

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