Thursday, May 9, 2024

Penn and Teller

This post is apropos of nothing. Penn and Teller are some of my favorite magicians and I knew Blackstone, he was dating my neighbor. I have seen all of the living greats. Love Matt King, if you get a chance, please see his show. I have seen Copperfield from the front row and truly adore Lance Burton. Lance was so nice, after every show he would meet with any kid who wanted his signature, a true gentleman. The amazing Jonathen is just hilarious.

I actually studied magic as a kid. My father and I actually performed a Vegas trick, the trick is best done with a child. I have met Penn and Teller in person at the Rio. I have been on stage with them once and they fooled me. They did a card trick with me. A standard trick in their act. The trick involves 3 or 4 people holding decks cards. I used to play tournament poker and have won tourneys. I know how to hold cards. For this trick, Penn had each of us count the cards. Everyone had 52 cards except me, I counted 51 and counted them twice. I gripped the cards like a poker player, four fingers with a finger on each side of the deck. Son of a bitch, when Penn tapped the deck and I counted again there were 52. I was not a stooge.

I met Penn and Teller at an event for Diamond players after one of their shows. Penn is really big and was quite gentle. He signed a poster for my daughter. I invite my reader to watch their show, "Penn and Teller - Fool Us" and thank them for the joy they have given me over the years. 

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