Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Corruption of the one

There is a lot of discussion about corruption. I myself have discussed the corruption that has destroyed the pension system in the United States. It is easy to point to the corruption of those on top, those who get a lot for their corruption; but, corruption does not start at the top, it starts at the bottom and works it way up.

In Argentina they destroyed their whole country because corruption became acceptable, a way of life. In the end it resulted in Argentina's collapse. This video recites what happened in Argentina. It is twelve parts; but, highly informative and quite prophetic regarding what is happening in America.

Corruption begins in the heart. It begins when we covet things and are willing to lie to ourselves or cheat others to get what we want. One pastor gave a great description of how adultery begins. He said in his decades of talking to couples, adultery always began with something simple, like a lunch, that was hidden from the spouse. It was hidden from the spouse because the person was already fantasizing.

Corruption begins the same way. People "fudge" on their taxes or take a tool from work. Once done, the person begins to justify it. It creeps in because the justification means other thefts are okay. I am the first to say that I have taken more than one pen away from work, I am terrible with pens. I lose them and can never seem to keep them around. Because of this, I refuse to let my work buy me nice pens, I insist on the cheapest pens we have. Fortunately, with computers, I use pens less. The point is, I don't justify taking them. Not that anyone would care if I did. I am salaried and work is 24/7.

My employer bought a really nice laptop for me. It was state of the art, I mean a really nice computer. I wouldn't use it, I gave it to the Systems people. I use my personal computer to do work because I don't want to drag around two computers or use their computer for my personal business. I use my employer's cell phone, it has unlimited calling so it cost them nothing. I used to use my personal cell phone because I made personal calls and business calls. I did not charge for using my personal phone. While, because I am salaried, I am allowed to use my corporate phone, I preferred to use my personal one for both. Now I have to carry two phones.

I am far from perfect, in oh so many ways. I am just a guy. Yet, I try to not allow myself to be corrupted. It is not about being perfect, I am not, it is about catching yourself before you go too far down the slope. I used my employer's fax machine to send something out recently, I did. It may have cost them 40 cents but I doubt it, it doesn't matter. I had to send something quick and I used it. If they want, I will pay the 40 cents. I will not justify it by the fact that my salary was cut 10%, it changes nothing.

I am not so naive as to believe that none of my employees looks at the stock market or Amazon during the day. I know they do. I am more concerned about them getting their work out. I expect deviations from perfection. I am more concerned about moral corruption, when you know what you are doing is over the top. I don't expect people to think only about work for eight hours a day, that would be a living hell. We must accept that people are people. It is when they know what they are doing is wrong that corruption sets in.

Nobody waits till they become president to decide to become corrupt. It is a ladder that one climbs. The one at the top of the ladder is no more corrupt than the one at the bottom and both justify what they do by looking at the other. The guy at the top says that the guy at the bottom would do the same thing and the guy at the bottom says that the guy at the top is doing the same thing. Justification, baloney.

Corruption is not about a dollar amount, it is about a heart and intent. The fight against corruption is a daily thing, it is for life. Sometimes we fail. I am not talking about stealing, I am talking about selling out, about justifying. We think we are better than others because we don't do whatever, pick one, our favorite sin that we do not engage in. It could be homosexuality (not a condemnation of gays, things people look down on more than their own actions) or theft or adultery or love of money or bigotry or whatever, the one we are not driven by, whatever it is. We are all imperfect and sin, have corruption.

We have a tendency to look at the log in the other person's eye to justify what have done or what we have not done. We look at the other person rather than our own failings. There are plenty of shortcomings to go around. It is valid to look at them; but, we must remember our own. Not what the world says is our, what our own heart convicts us about.

For me my worst action was slamming someone's hand in a picture frame when I was 13 or so. I did it just to see what would happen. That was evil. I have made many mistakes since then; but, that one was pure evil. I did it and wasn't angry at the time.

My youngest did some things she should not have in the past. My answer to her was that she could not do wrong by me because all I want is what is best for her. She can only do herself wrong. I think this is how God looks at us. We can only hurt ourselves, we cannot hurt him.

It says that Satan accuses day and night. He does not make things up, we do bad things. We should not ignore corruption. We should applaud repentance; but, what we repent can only be known by our heart, what we knew was morally corrupt, not by some measuring stick that someone else holds. That is rules and not heart, corruption is about the heart. Be well.

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